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       It was the next morning after the midsummers and Makenna had waken up on a couch not knowing where she was. "Ow" she groaned placing her hand on her head, having the worst headache. She looked around the room seeing red solo cups and empty liquor bottles all over the floor. "Morning love" Rafe said walking around the corner holding ibuprofen and a cup of water. "What the hell happened?" Makenna said groaning in pain. "I think about the 10th, no maybe or the 12th shot, you passed out." Rafe was smirking at Makenna handing her the ibuprofen and water. "Here take this you'll need it, trust me"  "Uh- thanks I guess" Makenna grabbed the ibuprofen,  swoalling  2 of the pills and washing it down with water.

      It was about an hour later and Rafe and Makenna were picking up all the cups and bottles. "Oh hey guys" Sarah said walking down the stairs to see them cleaning up "Oh hey, I guess we got a bit to drunk" Makenna chuckled. "Yeah I guess" Sarah picked up a garbage bag helping them. "Ugh go away Sarah we don't need your help" Rafe was annoyed by his little sister once again. "Fine, whatever I'll just go and make breakfast" Sarah began to walk over to the kitchen. "Why do you always have to be such a dick? You know we could've used her help." Makenna was pissed off. "Well- I- cause I wanted to be alone with you" Rafe was nervous and blushing, scratching the back of his head. "What why we hate eachother?" Makenna was confused, she didn't know if she still hated him, besides of all the drinks she took, Makenna could still recall that dance. The slow, hot, and kind dance she had with Rafe. But did he even remember, does he even feel the same way? "Well I guess after that dance last night I- I was wondering is you wanted to go on a date with me?" Rafe stuttered from his nervousness. "Well I-" before Makenna could finish she got cut off "It's ok if you don't want to" Rafe said unsure " no, no I do" Makenna said proudly. "Oh uh ok I'll pick you up at 7 then?" Rafe had a smile on his face "Works for me"Makenna said with a smile back.

      It was 7 o'clock and Rafe still wasn't there. Makenna was wearing a tight black dress that fit her perfectly it was silk, with her blood red heals and a matching purse. Was he even going to show, of course not it's Rafe I have no idea why I even agreeded. Makenna thought to her self checking her watch already seeing it was 7:30 and he still wasn't there. She began to walk back in side taking off her heals and putting down her purse. Walking back up her stairs to her room. "Hey wanna go to the boneyard party with me?" Sarah had texted her. "Yeah sure got nothing better to do" Makenna replied, going to her closet to change. She took of her dress, putting on her favorite sage green crop top and her black ripped Jean shorts. She walked down the stairs and slid on her Birks, heading out the door to her car.

         Makenna walked up to the party and was looking through the crowd to find Sarah, she saw her making out with topper on the life guard tower. So she began to walk to the keg, seeing Rafe sitting next to it snorting a line of coke off it while his friends cheered him on. Wow Rafe stood her up to just get high. I knew it was to good to be true. Makenna thought to her self before Rafe looked up noticing her watching him.

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