"You kinda owe me"

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"Leave me alone, you dickhead" Makenna said as Rafe stood in front of her "Just let me explain" Rafe was shifting back and forth nervously "Explain what that I thought that WE could even be anything, that I thought you changed for some reason, now leave me alone" Makenna was so pissed off that she had gotten her hopes up. She wanted to get him back so she turned around to sera blonde boy with ocean blue eyes, he smelled like saltwater and weed. Makenna grabbed his face face, kissing him, not even a quick peck on the lips, a long passionate kiss. "Ugh whatever!" Rafe flipped her off walking away.

"Is he gone?" Makenna asked the blonde boy who was shocked. "Uh-I- yeah, yeah he's gone" the blonde boy was so confused on what just had happened. "Oh well thanks, my names Makenna" She said holding out her hand for him to shake, as if they needed to shake hands after that kiss. "Oh-well I'm JJ" the blonde boy shook her hand. "What was that about?" JJ said "Sorry about that, had to get some revenge" Makenna said with a smirk on her face. "Oh ok cool, what did he do?" JJ said "Oh he stood me" Makenna was unsure of why she even cared. "Well I'll leave you alone now, thanks for the kiss" Makenna said patting his shoulder about the walk away "Oh-ok, wait do you wanna go surfing with me and my friends tomorrow?" JJ said getting Makenna's attention "Yeah sure, sounds like fun, meet at the beach?" Makenna didn't even know this boy. But she knew he helped her make Rafe jealous, she felt like she owed him, and she kind of could use some more friends. Since her only real friend was Sarah. "Ok sounds good!" JJ said walking away.

It was about 2hours later. Sarah and Makenna were dancing and drinking to the music, when all of the sudden she saw a giant crowd, chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!" As she began to walk over to the group pushing through all the people chanting she saw Rafe beating the shit out of JJ. I guess he was more jealous than she thought. "What the fuck Rafe!!" The girl shouted over all the people chanting. Rafe heard her but he didn't care to respond. "Get off of him!!" Some girl shouted, she had brown curly hair. "Rafe!" Makenna shouted before walking over to him trying to pull him off. Rafe shoved her off, causing her to fall backwards into the sand. Makenna stood up even more pissed off than before. She pulled out her taser from her back pocket. She always carried a taser with her cause she would walk alone at night a lot. Makenna turned it on and shoved it right into Rafes side. "Oh shit!" A brown hair boy said running over to JJ.

Rafe was laying down in the sand shaking from the taser. Makenna stood over him laughing "oh you little bitch can't handle a little taser" Rafe began to stop shaking and grabbing her standing up "You fucking bitch" Rafe was furious and he was grabbing on to her shoulder really tight. Makenna pushed to button on the taser, showing him she would do it again if he didn't let go. "Ok, ok chill" Rafe let go of her with his hands in the air innocently. "Now leave" Makenna said pointing for him to go. Rafe turned around walking away. The crowd had all gone home by now, since the fight was over. "So sorry about all that" Makenna said turning around to face JJ and his friends "Yeah, what the fuck was that all about?" The brown curly hair girl said furiously. "It's fine don't worry about it" the blonde boy said grabbing the curly haired girl's shoulder.

"Ok fine then, we'll I'm kiara, but you can call me ki." The brown curly hair girl said "I'm John B" a brown hair boy said "I'm pope" a boy with brown hair that would match his skin said smiling. "These are my friend's" JJ said looking at all of them. "Oh the ones you were talking about, ok well I'm Makenna" She said smiling at all of them "I should probably get going" Makenna said waving at them "Wait, we still on for surfing?" The blonde boy said. "Uh- I wasn't sure if you still wanted to after all this" Makenna chuckled. "Well I guess you kinda owe me now, don't you" JJ said smirking "Yeah I really do, ok then I'll see you there!" Makenna said walking back to her car.

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