Dating again

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   Sarah had some how convinced Makenna to finally get out of bed. They were planning on heading to the wreck for some lunch, since Makenna had been barely eating anything for the past couple weeks, only enough to keep her alive. Which led to her loosing a lot of weight. Causing her clothes to be baggy. Makenna changed from her sweats and sweatshirt to another pair. Putting her hair in a bun and heading into Sarahs car.

    Makenna sat in the passengers seat as Sarah drove, staring out the window still heart broken. "Here we are" Sarah parked the car. "Hey it's gonna be ok" Sarah placed her hand on Makenna's shoulder. Makenna didn't say anything, just unbuckling and heading into the wreck. All eyes turned to her, noticing how skinny she had gotten. Before Sarah could yell at everyone for staring, Ki ran up to Makenna, wrapping her hands around her tightly. "So good to see you, I've missed you" Ki said releasing Makenna from her right grip. "Uh-yeah nice to see you to" Makenna was unsure "So are you guys hungry" Ki glanced back and fourth at Sarah and her, Ki was only being nice to Sarah considering the circumstances.

      "Yeah do you have a menu?" Makenna said beginning to walk over to a table, Makenna knew they had a menu but didn't wanna eat, trying to avoid it as much as possible. "Yeah of course, I'll be right back!" Ki said walking away. Makenna looked around the room seeing Kelce and Topper sitting at a table across from them, they kept looking over at her obviously whispering something about her. "So what you gonna get?" Sarah had noticed her notice Kelce and Topper trying to avoid her attention to something else "Uh I don't know probably just fries" Makenna muttered.

       Before Sarah could respond a group of boys came barging in the door, it was John B, Pope and JJ, they were all laughing about something before JJ looked up to see Makenna. "Hey" JJ said walking over to her "Hey" Makenna muttered, playing with the sleeve of her sweatshirt nervously. "Good to see you" JJ noticed her nervousness "Care if we join" JJ said before him and his friends grab chairs and sat down at there table "Sure" Makenna looked up at them seeing John B and Sarah obviously flirting. John B and Sarah were dating now, they started hanging out after she helped him with something. Makenna didn't care to know. "Sorry about the wait here you are" Ki said placing down menus in front  of  the two girls "Ugh boys leave them alone" Ki rolled her eyes at the boys "She said it was fine" The blonde boy glanced over at Makenna "Yeah it's fine, really I don't mind the company" Makenna said gladly "Ok well I'll get you guys some waters" Ki began to walk away.

    It was about an hour and a half later the pogues and Makenna and Sarah had all been chatting and eating there food. Makenna was having a lot of fun and actually ate.

              "Shit! My dads gonna kill me, got to go" Pope said darting out the door "Oh jeez, Yeah the time I should get going before I get fired once again" JJ said checking the clock "I'll see you later, yeah?" JJ stood up looking at Makenna "Yeah, catch you later" Makenna was sad that they had to go "I guess I should go home to" Makena stood up but before anyone could reply she saw Rafe walk through the door. No,no,no,no I can't see him yet I'm not ready I can't face him Makenna thought to her self quickly sitting back down bringing her knees to her chest, burying her face in between her legs. Ki knew she couldn't tell Rafe to get out cause the kooks were there biggest costumers "What do you think your doing here?" Sarah stood up with anger in her eyes walking towards Rafe "Chill can't a guy get some food" Rafe said walking over to his friends. It was obvious Kelce and Topper had texted him that she was here and wanted to make her more mad.

    JJ had been in the parking about to walk home when he saw Rafe walk inside. JJ went running back inside heading over to Makenna rubbing her back to comfort her. "Hey it's ok" Makenna looked up to see JJ "I thought you had to go" "I saw Rafe walk in and turned around" JJ still rubbing her back. Makenna had come out of her ball sitting up straight still not looking even in the direction of Rafe.

     JJ had sat down across from Makenna. "Wanna get out of here?" JJ looked at Makenna "Please" Makenna said "Guys we're leaving" Makenna looked at Sarah and John B "Ok were coming to" John B and Sarah both stood up, along with JJ and Makenna.

           They all began to walk towards the door Rafes eyes not leaving Makenna for one second.

         JJ had felt Rafe staring before wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her closer to his side "Wh-" Makenna said before getting cut off "Don't look Rafe's staring" JJ whispered into her ear. Makenna giggled pretending like he said something funny, to make Rafe even more angry, and boy did it.
"So you date pogues now?" Rafe yelled.


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