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It had been about 3 months since Rafe and Makenna started dating. Sarah wasn't to happy about it when Makenna told her because she knew that Rafe would just end up hurting. But she still supported Makenna and her decision. Rafe and Makenna had been so happy. Rafe spent most of his time at her house since her parents still weren't home from there trip. Which hurt Makenna a lot cause they would constantly lie to her about when the would be home. She hated lies, but it was okay cause she had Rafe. Rafe stopped getting high for Makenna and she helped him pay back his dealer.

Topper had thrown a party at his house since his parents weren't home. Makenna pulled up to the party with Sarah. Makenna was wearing the same dress she wore to midsummers cause she was obsessed with it. They both walked through the door and everyone stopped to stare at Makenna, she was so beautiful and everyone knew it. "Why is everyone staring?" Makenna looked over at Sarah "Cause your gorgeous" Sarah said before walking away to find Topper. Everyone was till staring at Makenna, she just smiled awkwardly till Rafe walked over to her, grabbing her waist and kissing her. "Everyone stop starting at what's mine!" Rafe shouted to the crowd causing everyone to look away.

They had all been having so much fun drinking and partying. When suddenly Rafe got a call from his dad "Uh- I have to take this I'll be right back" Rafe said putting the phone up to his ear and walking out the door. Makenna didn't think anything of it and kept dancing with Sarah. What Makenna didn't know was that was Rafes dad (Ward) to call and tell him how useless he was, and that he was done with him never being home and that Makenna was only with him for the money. Suddenly it all clicked in Rafes head that it all made since. Why would Makenna ever wanna be with him. Why would she ever wanna hang out with him and certainly be his girlfriend when he had beat up her friend and stood her up. What Rafe didn't know was that Makenna was never in it for the money. Well because obviously she's rich and shit. She truly loved Rafe, she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him.

Rafe walked into the party with dark eyes. Makenna hadn't seen those eyes in so long. There was clearly something wrong. "Hey what's wrong?" Makenna asked grabbing Rafes wrist. Rafe shoved her away from him cause her to fall back on the pool table. "What the fuck Rafe!" Sarah shouted seeing him shove her. Rafe walked over to the table where Kelce and his friends were sitting snorting lines. He wanted to hurt Makenna so she would leave him. Makenna had no idea what was going on as she stood up from falling to walk over to Rafe. Seeing him snort a line and everyone cheering him on. "Rafe what the hell" Makenna said with sadness and anger in her eyes. "I don't love you I never loved you, it was all a dare" Rafe said laughing before turning to a random girl and making out with her. Makenna's eyes started to flood with tears before she ran out the door. She didn't know where she was running to but she didn't care. "Makenna wait!!" Sarah shouted. But Makenna couldn't hear her over her sons. Sarah was so pissed off as she ran back inside. Running up to Rafe and beating the shit out of him.

Makenna finally made it home still sobbing, she ran up her stairs to her room, changing into sweats and a hoodie. Everything smelled like Rafe, every hoodie, every piece of clothing. Her bed smelled just like his strong colon that she had once loved so much. Makenna curled up into her bed still sobbing and not being able to breathe over all her crying. Hyperventilating. Sarah walked into her room seeing her not being able to breathe, sitting next to her. "Hey, hey it's gonna be ok just breathe" Sarah said softly rubbing her back.

Makenna couldn't eat she couldn't do anything. It had been weeks since Rafe told her it was all just a dare. She loved him so much, it hurt so bad. Sarah was there with her through it all. She would bring her food everyday that Makenna would just pick at barely eating. She sat in her window just looking. Her eyes were dry not being able to cry anymore. "We should do something today, you haven't left your room in weeks Makenna" Sarah said putting her hand on Makenna's shoulder. "I-I can't" Makenna muttered. Makenna had barely spoken in weeks, her heart physically hurt, she would have panic attacks daily, just thinking about that night.

Makenna began to sob again, she didn't know she could even cry anymore. "Hey, hey it's ok you don't have to" Sarah said softly hugging her.

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