The Summer to Remember ch.8

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Hiya! I'm so so sorry for not updating for a while! I had mid years :( and they were annoying.

Dedication to @ToastingWaffles for my beautiful new cover! You like it? I most certainly do!

Thank you all so much for the 300 reads!! Couldn't've done it without you!





or do all three.... ;) JK don't worry you don't have to!

Thanks guys! Love you all!



"Last one in the water is a rotten egg!" I screamed pulling off my cover up, throwing down my stuff, and racing to be the first in the water.

"I don't think so, Anna!" Niall shouted, grabbing my waist and pulling me away from the shoreline. I fell right on my butt in the sand with Niall on top of me.

"HEY! THERE ARE CHILDREN HERE! KEEP IT PG!" Rachel yelled from a couple yards away. I blushed, pushed Niall off of me, and ran into the water. Everyone raced in after me, while Niall just sat there on the sand, looking a bit dazed.

"Now Niall, as the rotten egg, you must buy us all ice cream at the parlor down the street," I said after dunking my head under the icy , but refershing, water.

"What about me?" A guy's voice called from the sand. I looked at him.

"Hey Matt! Want to go swimming with us?" I asked him, walking towards the shore a little bit.

"Sure! I was just about to go surfing, but I'll join you guys!" He said cheerfullly with a huge smile on his face.

"Great!" I said, smiling back at him. "okay. This is Harry, Rachel, Niall-"

"Why'd you say those things to her?" Matt shouted at Niall.

"What? Who're you?"

"Never mind who I am. I asked you a question. Why did you say those things to her?" Matt growled at Niall.

"Um, Matt, We're all good now. I forgave him after...after I came back. He apologized sincerely. It's been a week since the incident. Do you really think I could stay mad this long?" I asked Matt, kind of mad that he was pushing Niall around with words. Niall's really sensative, but most people think he's just a happy-go-lucky kind of guy. He's really good at hiding it.

"Now please don't talk to Niall like that," I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Okay." A smile lit up his face. "Let's start over. I'm sorry Niall. My name is Matt."

"Hi Matt! I'm Hannah!" Matt grinned at me.

"I already knew your name silly!" Matt said, playfully ruffling my hair.

"Okay. That's Rachel with Harry. Well, I like to call him Curly because it fits him better. Then there's Louis over there, you don't want to get on his bad side, he pulls the best pranks. Then there's Zayn on the beach, he doesn't like water, and then last but certainly not least, Chantelle." I explained, pointing everyone out.

"I have talk to her. Bye!" Matt ran over to Chantelle to who was talking to Zayn on the beach.

"You okay?" I asked Niall, referring to the whole 'Matt' incident.

"Yeah I'm-"

"Sure you are," I said sarcastically, dragging him over to me for a hug. "We should go back, Matt was being rude. I know!" I said excitedly, looking up and Niall. "We should get Ice cream without them!"

"Wow! What a punishment for them! Okay, sounds good."

We quickly and quietly grabbed our stuff and ran to the ice cream parlor up the street called Ella's.

"Hey! I know the owner of this place!" Niall said, opening and holding the door for me. We walked up to the counter.

"Hi! Can I please have medium mocha chip with hot fudge and m&m's?" I asked the cashier politely. She nodded, making her red curls bounce, then quickly went to the back, and came back a moment later with a very large ice cream. I grinned in excitement.

"Thank you!"

"Hey Ella! It's me, Niall!" The cashier grinned.

"Niall! Long time no see. Who's this lovely lady?" Ella said, looking at me with curiosity in her eyes.

"I'm Hannah, I live just up the street." I said, smiling and shaking her hand.

"Oh! What's the relation? Are you his girlfriend?" Ella asked, winking at Niall, making him turn beet red.

"I would like her to be," Niall whispered, just loud enough for me hear.

"Are you asking me?" I asked, my eyebrows going up in surprise.

"Only if you want to...."

"I do. I really really do."

"Then, yes I am asking. Hannah Ryder, will you be my girlfriend?" Niall asked me quietly but his voice full of emotion.

"Yes! A million times yes!" I grabbed him in a huge hug.


I quickly pulled out of the hug, and looked for the source of the sound.

"What was that?" I asked, turning to Niall.

"Damn Paparazzi." Niall groaned and grabbed my hand. "You might want to take your ice cream because we have to go."

"Ella? Is there a back door?" I asked her. She nodded.

"Follow me!" She led us through the back to a large, heavy, wooden door. We got outside and ran home with the Paps on our tails the whole way.

"Ughhhhh I hate paparazzi!" I groaned once we got into my house.

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