The Summer to remember ch.2

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Chapter two--Sort of Lunch

The familiar musty scent from the carpet made me smile as the memories from here rushed back into my mind. I missed being here so much.

"Sasha!" I called, getting a glimpse of a girl with flaming red hair who was a staff member here. She was a good friend of mine and it was a slow day, so she came out of the kitchen to see me.

"Hey Hannah! Hey Rachel!" She said throwing her arms around me, and then Rachel.

"It's been almost a year! How are you?" She asked us stepping back, her blue eyes sparkling.

"Never better actually. We just finished our senior year of high school yesterday." I said smiling so wide my checks started to hurt.

"Really? I thought you guys were older then that!" She said throwing back her head and laughing. She then spotted the guys behind us an smiled mischievously. "So, are you going to introduce me?" She said nodding her chin at them. I smiled.

"Okay. Sasha, this is Liam, Zayn, Harry, Louis, and Niall." I said gesturing to each boy as I said their name. They all shook her hand.

"Girl! You're do damn lucky! Walking--or driving?-- around London with 5 extremely attractive boys!" She said winking at me and smiling.

"Yeah. I really am." I said grinning widely.

"So. Do you want to eat or just chat?" She asked, flipping her hair over her shoulder. My stomach growled and she smiled.

"Eat please!" I said laughing at my impatient stomach.

We walked over accompanied by Sasha to a small booth in the back corner of the room. We squeezed into the booth, and started looking at the menus she had set out while I started picking at a roll that was in a basket on the table.

"Does everyone know what they want?" The waitress asked us, looking around. Oh shit I thought looking at the familiar face and hoping she didn't recognize me or Rachel.

"Uh....yeah." I said answering for the whole table. Everyone nodded.

"Okay, let's start with you!" She said pointing her pencil at Harry. Typical her.

"So, what would you like?" She asked, fluttering her eyelashes. Oh my flipping god. I laughed so loud at her failed attempts of flirting. Everyone turned their attention on me.

"I'll have the spaghetti and meatballs." Harry said winking. He was responding to this? Didnt he know who she was?

"Okay. Now what would the rest of you like?" She said in disgust. Like we were an inconvenient piece of gum on her high healed shoe.

"A new waitress please." I said smiling and as calmly as I could. Her eyebrows went up in surprise and I knew she recodnized me and Rachel.

"Oo! sassy!" Louis said laughing. I smiled tightly.

"Oh. Well, if you want my number I'd be happy to--"

"He isn't interested." Rachel said cutting her off and with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Oh. Okay. Well, Rach," she said as Rachel flinched at the nickname. "Just remember what I did to Hannah's last boyfriend. You dont want that happening to you." She said with a smirk as she turned on her heel and walked away.

"I'm so confused." Louis said his chin resting in his hand.

"That was Shayla George." I said rolling my eyes in disgust and hatred.

"The hit and run specialist." Rachel said glaring down at the table.

"She stole my first boyfriend from me When I was in eighth grade. After they'd broken up a couple days later, he asked me to forgive him. But he cheated on my with my old best friend--which was her, that's why we aren't friends anymore--and that's not okay with me." I said, my vision going blurry as tears clouded my vision. "But of course told him no."

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