The Summer to Remember

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Chapter 1--the somewhat dreaded flight

I checked the clock hanging on the wall next to me for what seemed like the millionth time. I was counting down the final minutes to summer, not even caring what my English teacher was saying.

"3,2,1...." I muttered under my breath.

"RIIINNNNGGGG!!!!!" went the bell. I grinned the biggest I even had, grabbed my backpack, and ran out of the room as fast as ic ould without colliding with anyone.

I hate school. Escpecially mine. My parents are famous actors, so they send me to this over-the-top rich kid boarding school all year round. Even when I get home there is always a note there waiting for me about how my parents are out starring in another movie.

"Hey, how was English?" Asked my friend Rachel, pulling me out of my thoughts. My grin disappeared and I glared at her.

"If you're trying to be funny, its not working. It sucked as always though." I said rolling my eyes. Her eyes lit up and she laughed.

"That's what she said," Rachel said as we wlaked back to our dorm room to put our schoolbooks away.

"Well, at least its summer, finally! Now we can go back to London!" I said smiling up at her. I adored our little house in London. We had moved there together last year during the summer holidays. My parents hadn't even known about me moving out until I had to say goodbye. "What im not looking forward to is the flight." I rolled my eyes and groaned.

"Its only 13 hours! Besides, ill be right next to you the whole time. Do you want your stupid fear to be the reason we don't go back to London? No." She said a little sassily. I smiled.

"True. I do miss London." I said wistfully and we walked down the pathway that lead to the dorm building. Once we got inside we went upstairs to the second floor and to our dorm room B69. Yeah, we are made up daily about the number of our dorm. I stuck the key card in the slot and pushed open the door to our room.

My suitcase was laying on my bed, just where I had left it this morning just before breakfast. I grabbed it, set it on the floor, opened the handle, and placed it near the door. I slowly took down my posters on the wall. I had an autographed Taylor Swift one, an unautographed one of Ed Sheeran, and a One Direction poster that I hope to get autographed. Yeah, I am one of those girl who is a 'Directioner.' Its like a religion here at school. Literally there are people who say 'Oh, ive converted another girl to directionism!' But I don't do that. Call me dedicated, call me obsessed. You know what? I don't care! I have and always will love them. When they were on the x-factor UK, I bought tickets to a live performance and saw them sing 'Kids in America.' They were so good at singing and they were extremely attractive. I immediately loved them and their music. I voted for them every week, and I was really sad when they didn't win, but when they got a contract from Simon, I was jumping up and down I was so happy.

After Rachel and I had packed up the remainder of our stuff in the room, we brought our suitcases out to my Audi A6 before we went down to the very last dinner we would ever eat at St.Sarah's. On our way there, we passed all of the places that were special to us. Including the place where I had my first kiss, where we had found and saved a 'little bird' with a broken leg.

The dining hall was dressed up for the occasion, filled with red, white, and gold streamers along the walls, little mini Christmas trees, and lots of confetti. Everyone was laughing, crying, exchanging numbers, eating, and hugging. Me? I just wanted to say goodbye to everyone and get the hell out of here! I mean it was my senior year of high school and I'd been here for the last 7 years. I wanted to leave so bad and go back to London. But Rachel had other ideas. She wouldn't let me leaving the dining hall for a freaking 2 and a half hours. Yes you heard me right! TWO AND A HALF HOURS!

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