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𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚕𝚎𝚍𝚐𝚎 𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚕𝚎 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚠𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛
𝚜𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟼

"kay kay im boutta pull up." i told her on the phone , as i turned into their neighborhood. i pulled up into the driveway and turned my car offf.

i got out and walked up to the door and i knocked and k3 mama came to the door. "hey noodle." she smiled and gave me a hug.

"hey." i said walking through the door and she closed the door.

"you been doing okay ? everything's good at the shop ?" she sat down beside me on the couch.

"yeah everything's good." i smiled because everything was going really good at the shop.

"that's good." she said "thank you for taking kay she really likes you." she laughed

"no problem , she really the only other person i talk to besides my sister."

"what about your other sisters ?" she asked. she went to school with my mama and the way my mama parades around town like she got it and do right by all her kids is what everyone thinks but reality she only do for her first three and treat me and ju like trash.

"their just older so we don't talk as much" i lied.

"alright i'm ready." kay came running down the steps with her phone flashing.

"kay yo phone is ringing" her mama said covering her eyes "told you turn that flash shit off."

"ouuu it's k3 !!" she yelled answering the phone and putting him on speaker. "yes yes we accept the charges !" she screamed at the automatic voice.

"kay clam down" ms.Edwards said.

"yo" we heard k3 voice.

"hey brother i miss you and i love you !" kay said into the phone so fast.

"i love you and miss you too kay." he chuckled "whea ma at ?" he asked

"she on the couch by noodle." she smiled big.

"you got me on speaker ?" he asked


"hey ma." he said

"hey baby , you doing okay in there ?" she asked

"five minutes" the automatic voice said.

"yeah ma i'm good , you good ?"

"yes baby , i'm let you talk to noodle now." she said taking it off speaker handing it to me.

"hello ?" i said

"we anit got much time , but you good ?" he asked

"yeah." i said

"3 minutes" the automatic voice spoke.

"alright , i'm talk to y'all when i get chance." he said then the call dropped.

i gave kay her phone back and she frowned her face up "ion like that." she said spoke

"what ?" i asked confused

"like he didn't really wanna talk to you or something ?"

i shrugged "he probably just wanted to talk to y'all first , y'all his sister and mama i understand."

i didn't really think much into it because that's his family me and him only been together for about a month but two days after the game he got locked up. so its about to be a month he's been in there.

"yeah that's true but y'all still had a couple minutes left , i like you noodle and i want you and my son to last." she said placing her hand on my shoulder.

i nodded my head saying that i understand. i'm going see him thursday for visitation so i'm not really stressing. and plus this a lot anyways me and him just starting dating and now he's in jail.

"ok we'll i'm ready you ready noodle ?" kay asked me

"yeah." i said standing up and grabbing my keys.


- short chapter , i know this took a while i'm sorry y'all .

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