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a year later
January 18

knowledge nickle brewster

"oh my goddd" i sighed as i had just finished throwing up for the fifth time today.

"you're going to the doctor in the morning , this shit ridiculous" kamari said holding my hair back for me.

"i'm pretty sure it's a stomach bug or something i ate." i sighed rubbing my stomach.

"we'll we going to find out , no ifs or buts about it." he helped me up off the floor.

i was trying to brush my teeth , but i literally felt so weak. i had no strength. for the past two days everything i ate i threw up.

"come on just come lay down." he said picking me up.

he placed me in the bed and pulled the covers over me. then put a bucket by my side of the bed with a towel under it. "thank you" i said turning on my side and pushing the cover off me as i got hot immediately.

"you might have the flu or some shit" he said fanning me with some mail off the dresser.

i just laid there thinking about what i could have possibly caught.

"KNOWLEDGE BREWSTER !" the nurse yelled my name and we got up and walked towards her.

she started walking down the hall and pointed a room "y'all can wait here and someone will be in to help in a minute."

i sat down on the lil bed and k3 sat in the chair and i sighed. "don't start that shit." he said

"this is so extra kamari." i said rubbing my forehead.

"how it's extra ? you been sick for a week."

i just ignored him and swung my feet waiting for the lady to walk in.

she finally came in after five more minutes. "Good morning i'm Doctor Green , how y'all doing ?" she smiled

"i'm fine." i said

"ok , we'll what can i help you with today ?"

"she been throwing up for the past week." k3 said before i could even speak.

"ok are y'all sexual activity ?" she asked

"yes" we both said

" i'm going ask you to go per in this cup." she handed me a tiny ass cup.

"i'm not pregnant, i can't have kids." i said looking at her.

i heard k3 sighed.

" i understand but you do know that there's a 5 percent chance you can still have a child." she smiled

"ok." i sighed going to the bathroom. "tiny ass cup" i mumbled as half the damn pee was on my hand.

i washed my hands bout five times before walking out and handing her the cup. "i'll be back." she smiled walking away.

i sat down on the bed again and k3 was watching me. "yes ?" i looked at him

"you don't want my baby or some ?"

"i never said nothing like that k3 , i'm just scared. what if i am pregnant ? i'm not supposed to be."

before he could speak the doctor walked back in. "we'll congratulations you are included in that five percent !" she smiled.

"thank you" i smiled

"now because you are low risk , you do need to be on bed rest your whole 9 months."

"ok" i nooded

"now lay back for me and a nurse is going come in and do ultrasound so we can know how long you've been pregnant." she smiled "y'all have a nice one if you want to be your doctor throughout your pregnancy again my name is DOCTOR GREEN" she said walking out the door.

a nurse walked in pushing a cart with a screen on it "good afternoon im nurse Jackson" she reached out for me to shake her hand and then she shook k3 hand.

"im knowledge and this is my boyfriend k3." i said

"nice to meet y'all , ok so im going ask you to lay back onto the bed. dad you can come stand beside her too see because im about to cut the lights off." she smiled

k3 walked over towards me and held my hand.

"this is cold." she said pouring some gel onto my stomach. she clicked the lil tv on and i didn't see nothing but a damn dot.

"why it's a dot ?" k3 said

"because the baby is not formed yet." she laughed

"so my seed is literally a seed on there." he asked so serious but i started laughing.

"yes sir." she laughed

"so how far along am i ?" i asked

"i'll say you're about 8 weeks which is two months." she smiled. "ready to hear the heartbeat ?"

"yeah" i said and looked back at k3 who had his phone out recording.

"ok" she said turning up the sound and i heard my baby's heartbeat making me emotional.

k3 leaned down and wiped my eyes , kissing my lips. "stop being a punk you making me soft." he said grabbing the tissue from behind him.

"i can't help it." i sniffles wiping my eyes.

"i'm going wipe your stomachs off now and print you some pictures of your baby. you're next appointment is on february 18."

"ok thank you" i said as she walked out the room.


filler chapter
not proofread
sorry for the long wait yall

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