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𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚕𝚎𝚍𝚐𝚎 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚠𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛
𝙵𝚎𝚋𝚛𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝟹

"WASSUP BABY !" k3 said rubbing my stomatch.

"TAKE ME OUT TO DINNER !" king yelled coming down the steps "mane stop touching my mama and my sister" he said popping k3 hand.

"i'm boutta punt yo lil ass !" k3 said scooping him up off the couch.

"ughhh yall always picking me up that's how y'all win" king kicked his legs "ma help me" he pouted

"i can't baby" i rubbed my stomach. i'm now three months but i'm small so my stomach is growing faster according to my doctor. i eat a lot more than usual even though that's normal for pregnancy.

"DADA" skyler said running down stairs tripping.

"be careful skyler" i sighed as k3 picked her up and she cried. "rub her head so it don't knot up" i said

"it's okay daddy baby." he said kissing it repeatedly making her smile.

"she going be a punk" king said making me laugh

"don't say that king" i laughed

"she is pops always babying her , when she hit four im putting her in the box like y'all did me." he shrugged sitting down beside me.

"my baby going naturally know how to fight she don't need the box." k3 said

"no y'all put my baby in there sky definitely going too ALL our kids going experience the box." i said.

last week they put king in the box , to see where his hands are at. and they say they going do it every week.

"all the boys not the girls !" he said

"BOTH !" i said "and the boys will be included in the girls and vice versa."

"i hear ya but am i listening is the question." he looked at me

"get slapped" i said leaning up.

"ight chill ma" he sat down beside me and kissed me on the cheek. "you cooking tonight ?"

"yeah , nachos." i picked up the tv remote putting it on the cook show.

"we got everything or i need go to the stoe ?"

"i want sour cream , banana peppers , jalapeños and pepper jack cheese we don't got nun of that. oh and get the purple bag of Doritos." i said and both of them frowned their faces up at me.

"ma that's nasty."

"as fuck." k3 added

"we'll if i don't get it ,  i'm not cooking nachos so y'all choose." i shrugged

"cmon king go get yo slides or crocs." k3 said standing up handing skyler to me making her cry.

"take her with you." i said handing her back. all that crying be giving me headaches it's like all my patience are gone with this pregnancy.

i laid down on the couch and started dozing off to sleep.


"ma get up !" i heard king

"what ?" i said opening my eyes and he was directly in my face making me jump.

"we hungry it's 7 o'clock ma." he pouted and i sighed.

"ight im boutta start cooking." i sat up and he slid my foot in my crocs. "thank you."

i walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my hands.

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