𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚕𝚎𝚍𝚐𝚎 𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚕𝚎 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚠𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛
𝚗𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟹𝟶"king , slow down please" he was walking fast into miyabis.
"ma pawpaw right there" he said pointing and daddy stood out with his arms out making skyler get excited in my arms.
"go run fast" i said seeing their were no cars.he started sprinting across and made it to him safely.
i walked across and handed skyler to my daddy immediately because she is heavy.
"hey baby" he said giving me a hug and a kiss on the forehead.
"hey" i said letting him take skylers bag from me.
"i missed y'all" he said as we walked in and stood beside ju.
"i missed you too pawpaw , are you coming to the championship tomorrow ?" king asked excitedly
"yeah i'm going be there." daddy said giving him a high-five.
"table for EAST" the last yelled out. we all walked up to where she was "y'all can follow me this way." she said and started walking off and her ankle twisted in her heels.
"that's what ling-ling get trying be rude and stuff" king said making everybody bust out laughing.
swear he act like k3 for real.
"that boy funny" dice said
"i'm a lil man." king said mugging dice. these two always going at it. "you the boy , boy" king said bucking at him.
"boy i'll put you on that grill right na" dice said picking up king holding him over some grill we walked by.
"y'all stop" ju said hitting dice arm.
"no he be starting with me" dice said putting king down and king ran to me.
"ma i can't breathe he just puked me in front of everybody" he said "can i please give him the finger ?" he asked and i started laughing.
"go ahead" i said and he looked at dice and stuck his finger up making dice mouth drop.
"you just going let him do that ?" dice said looking at as we all sat down. i was sitting by ju and on the other side was king.
" yeah cause don't hold my baby over no grill , and he said you tried to punk him can't let him go out sad." i said looking over the menu.
"i'm flabbergasted" dice said shaking his head.
"what you want king ?" i said looking over at him.
"steak , shrimp , chicken and rice with a water to drink."
"damn nigga you must be paying" dice said "eating like a grown ass man ."
"ma tell the broke Grimley to mind his business please" king said making everybody laugh.
"he be on yo ass" bean laughed
the waistress came to our table and starting taking everyone's orders.
"noodle ?" i heard ju calling my name and i turned around.
"yea?" i said unlocking my car doors
"we boutta go chill and smoke at the house , you going come ?"
"i gotta clean up and wash clothes and stuff so probably not." i sat down and she stood in front of me.
"come on noodle , ever since k3 got locked up you be distance all you do is work and go home."
"i have to make money and provide for king and skyler." i shrugged
"no knowledge , you're putting yo life on pause for no reason."
"my life not on pause , i'm working like i said. i can't just up and hang out anymore i have two kids now." i looked at her and she rolled her eyes.
"two kids that you choose to take in nobody made you take them. and yo daddy has them almost every weekend."
"ok and when there gone on the weekends i want rest and STILL WORK ! so what exactly are you getting at ? when there gone on weekends i pick up extra clients." i said with a lil raise in my voice. "and i know i choose to take skyler and king which i will never regret. those are my kids and i will work to provide for them."
"all that money k3 got saved up , you don't have to work all the time you choose too." she said and i looked at her shocked.
i frowned my face up "first of all you know i never been the type to depend on nobody , that's his money not mines. you changed this doesn't even sound like you" i shook my head "you sound like ma" i mugged her
"because she's right. you throw your life away for some kids you don't birth." she said. before i knew it i had slapped her.
"i don't give a fuck if i didn't birth them . those are my kids regardless and you don't have to accept me or them because it's my life ! ma birthed us and didn't do shit for us so you're point ?" i said and bean and dice came running over.
she just stood there looking dumb "exactly" i said getting in my car and driving off.
short chapter a lil filler chapter.
better updates this week sorry guys.