𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚕𝚎𝚍𝚐𝚎 𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚕𝚎 𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚠𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛
November 5"kaykay !!!" king yelled walking into the rec building.
"KING !" she yelled holding her arms out running towards him.
"I MISS YOU !" they yelled hugging each other and spinning in circles.
"why y'all yelling ?" k3 said with his face frowned up. covering skylers ears.
"it's always a hater near by." king said sticking his finger up at k3 making me laugh.
"we'll hey to you to brother." kay said placing her hands on her hips looking at k3.
"hey lil ugly." he pulled her into a hug kissing her forehead.
"how ya been doing ?" i asked kay hugging her
"staright , i miss being here mane." she sighed
"you moving back tonight , ma just going have to be mad."
"you cant over step your mama." i looked at him
"i don't care , and kay then graduated now. if she wanna move back she can." he shrugged his shoulders and walked off.
i tried to talk to their mama to let kay stay with me to graduate from here but she didn't want her getting in no trouble. and once she said no i had to leave it alone.
"i'm boutta go sit down , you sitting with us ?" i asked kay walking towards the table where k3 was.
"yeah" she said following me.
we was currently at the rec center for the gender reveal for bean and juju. she find out she was four months pregnant two weeks ago. this bitch so dumb how you missed yo period all dem months and didn't realize ?
"still can't belivie they having a baby" spazz said shaking his head.
"why ? cause yo soldiers don't march ?" king said making everybody laugh.
"i hate niggers bruh." spazz said.
"WHITE POWERRRRRR !" almost everybody said
"ghetto" kay said laughing shaking her head.
"what y'all think it's going be ?" dice asked drinking his drink.
"a boy" king yelled
"a girl" i said
"me too" kay,dice, and spazz said.
"if it's a boy i'm be shocked." kay said
"why ?" k3 asked
"because , she took a long time to start showing , that's rare with boys , boys are usually bigger and her stomach is usually rounder and sits higher. when i felt her stomach it's low usually with girls they sit on their mothers bladder." she explained.
"how you know all this ?" spazz asked
"i'm in school to be a sonogram nurse." she said
i already knew that and i'm so proud of her.
"what about hair ?" k3 asked
"i love doing hair but i love doing that more. it's a special moment to share with mothers especially ones that come in without the fathers. they be happy to have someone share the same excitement with them." she smiled "i still do hair on the side though especially through college right now."
"i'm proud of you" k3 said.
"thank you." she said
"i mean it" he said
"i know." she smiled.
"alright i need everybody to come outside onto the tennis court." ma yelled and everybody got up and followed her out the door.
"here." i passed skyler to k3 as she keep reaching for him. i grabbed king hand and we walked out the door.
"everybody stand around." she said and we made a circle so they can stand in the middle.
"on the count of 3 y'all pop the ballon." she said handing them a needle.
"1" everybody's yelled
"3" we screamed and they popped the ballon and pink came out.
"YUHHHHh !" bean said picking up ju spinning her in circles. he wanted a girl but ju wanted a boy.
"give me my band nigga !" spazz said pushing dice
"y'all really put a bet on this ?" kay said blinking slowly.
"yeah" they said
"black niggas put a bet on anything" i said shaking my head.
- lil filler chapter .
- sorry y'all i been busy with a lot of stuff .
- not all the way proof read .