1. Noah

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Hey lovelies, 

I guess like a lot of you, I have heaps of question based on what happened in KB3. The more I watch it and once I got over the initial shock of what we didn't get, the more I get where the story is coming from and what was set out to be achieved. For me, Noah and Elle end up happily every after....but I just wish we could have gotten a hand hold or kiss at the end. 

As always, if you like what you have read give it a vote or comment. If you new and want an insight about what Elle and Noah's life might have been like, check out my story 'Dear Elle' (was written before KB3 was released). Or if you have read 'Dear Elle' and are just checking out what I did next - thank you for your support as always. 


AliciaRuby90 xx

June POV

I headed up the stairs to Noah's room. From how quiet the house was, it seemed he was home alone. He had mentioned to me that he wouldn't be going back to the beach house at all and sooner rather than later he would be heading back to Boston.  

I knew what had happened. It had been an interesting summer to say the very least. I didn't think this would be the outcome, but they were still kids. Kids trying to play adults and deal with so very much.

I knocked on the door and waited for a response before I let myself in.

'Hey', he said. He was lying on his bed watching some TV show that I knew he wasn't really watching at all.

'Hey kiddo', I said as smoothed out the navy quilt before sitting down. It was quiet for a few minutes, before he grabbed the remote and flicked the TV off.

'I take it you heard about Elle and I', he murmured. 

My little boy. Even though he towered over me and he thought he knew the world, I still wanted to take him in my arms and hold him. I could hear the hurt catching in his throat.

'I did', I said nodding. His eyes were downcast as he waited for me to continue. 'I heard it from Lee. I heard it from Rachel and I even heard it from Chloe. But I'm actually hear to hear from you....'

'It's over', he said simply. 'I ended it. I saw how much this summer was hurting her. She had a lot going on and plus everything with Lee. I let her go, she'll be happy at Berkeley'.

I saw his shoulders tense as he moved from the bed and went to stand by the window. He shoved his hands in his pocket and watched as the afternoon summer sun shone.


He didn't respond or turn to face me. I sighed as I took a breath and carried on.

'Noah. Did you ever think about what Elle wanted? I know your intentions were good....but maybe did you think she wasn't meant for Berkeley either?'

'You talked to her?', he asked as he turned to face me.

I shook my head 'No. But I plan to. I know how much you love her. I know how much Lee loves her and I think that even she knows that. Which is why I think she tried real hard this summer to make everyone happy. Elle, though not biologically, is my daughter and I know her maybe just a little bit better than you do. She was being pulled in every direction, which is why I think she know needs time without you boys.....'

The look Noah shot me was not kind, but I held my hands up. 'Noah, do you know what she wanted to study at Harvard? Do you know what she is passionate about? Those were probably better questions to ask her first before jumping in an suggesting an apartment. So combine the pressure of that and then all the hardships you faced this summer....'

Letting her go was the hardest thing I've ever had to do....Where stories live. Discover now