10. Noah

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Hey lovelies,
This chapter was meant to be out sooner....but I've had just had no motivation to write and in a bit of a slump with everything that is currently going on. This chapter needed a little bit of a push, but hopefully I've done it justice.
As usual, if you like what you read - show it some love or leave me a comment.
Thanks for your support as always.
AliciaRuby90 x

Noah POV

I could hear her laughing. I knew that sound better than anything and even though I might not have the same sense of humour that she does, her laughter was catching and it always bought smile to my face. I shoved my hands into the pocket of my jeans as I walked a little quicker through the park and towards 'our spot'. I couldn't wipe the smile from my face as I got nearer to that sound. But she wasn't alone. The sounds of a ball being kicked around along with two very different laughters joined hers - they were younger but just as infectious.

I broke from the path as I walked over to the gazebo. I could see her running and trying to keep the ball from the two brown haired little boys that were chasing her. I grinned as I watched the scene play out in front of me. I crossed my arms over my chest as I leaned back on the gazebo, just watching her. She was older, though not too much older. Her hair was longer, but her body was different. Clearly, they were keeping her busy. I laughed as she collapsed onto the grass, as the two identical boys jumped ontop of her, peppering her faces with kisses, as her arms wove around them keeping them from getting away.

'Okay, okay! Mummy needs a time out! Daddy should be here soon.....', she said as she finally let the boys go, and got to her feet. I saw the two boys start to look around, almost as if they were waiting to see if 'Daddy' would appear. I saw Elle look around and stare my way as her face broke out into a smile. Pointing towards me, she grinned 'There he is!'

'Daddy!' the boys called as they took off towards me. I saw Elle laugh and I couldn't help but join her at their reactions.

They were our boys.

I took that as my cue to push back off from the gazebo and I broke out into a run to meet them, but as I got closer, my pace changed. Their focus wasn't on me, rather on something in the distance past me. I let my feet come to stop as I looked from Elle and then back to the boys, but she wasn't looking at me. I felt the boys run past me as I turned to watch them jump into the arms of their Father.


This wasn't my life with Elle.

This was Elle's life, without me.

'Noah! Noah!'

I jumped as my eyes shot open and I realised that it had all been a dream....or a nightmare. I really wasn't sure which one just yet.

The sun was starting to pour through the blinds in my bedroom as I groaned, rubbing my hands over my face.


'Your covered in sweat. Like, the bed is soaked', Gabi said as she used her hand to move away the wet hair from my eyes. 'You had a nightmare, I guess?'

I pulled my hands away from face as I sat up and grabbed my phone on the bedside. I needed to get to work.

'Noah? Are....are you okay? Do you wanna talk about it?'

I looked back towards her and shook my head, 'Nah. I'm fine. I don't even remember what it was about. Just happens to everyone sometimes I guess', she didn't look convinced and I really hadn't sound all that convincing. I pulled my hands through my hair as I tossed the blanket aside and got up from the bed.

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