7. Noah - Part 1

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Hey lovelies,
As usual thank you for all the love.
This chapter will be split into two - Part 1 as the flashback and Part 2, will be the continuation of Lee and Rachel's wedding. That is going to be a massive one, hence the split.
This chapter is dedicated to: lilone28
See you soon.
AliciaRuby90 x

Noah POV

'Hey handsome'

I pulled the pods from my ears as I looked up, from the book that I was currently using for notes. Gabi was standing in front of me, her book bag resting on her shoulder as she shot me a knowing look.

'Did you forget that we had plans?'

Oh shit.

I looked at the time on my laptop and groaned. I was supposed to meet her for lunch an hour ago, seems I got distracted with trying to finish up the lit essay.

'Sorry!' I apologised. She pulled a face as she rolled her eyes, but dropped her bag and sat down across from me, pulling out her laptop as she went. Gabi was in the same program as me and we met during one of the common tutes. Although I was studying criminal law and she, family law, conversation flowed pretty easily between us. We got on pretty well and we crossed paths a few times at parties, our friends over lapping. There seemed to be something, just what that something was, I wasn't too sure of.

'So you planning on filling me in?' Chloe asked as she took a sip of her coffee. We were currently studying, but more hanging out and grabbing something to eat at one of the bakeries off campus.

I shot her a look and she laughed 'Gabi? Clearly there is something going on between the two of you. I'm not blind. I saw you two being all cosy at the party the other night....'

I shrugged, 'It just it was it is Chloe. She's a great girl and we get along....'

'But she's not Elle', Chloe concluded.


'Yes. It's not hard to tell that's what the problem is'

'I don't think anyone is going to be Elle, other than Elle', I said as I sat back in my chair. 'When I broke it off, I knew she needed to do what was right for her and that obviously comes with going to USC, being by herself and....maybe meeting someone else'

Chloe's eyebrows had risen so high while I was talking, that they almost disappeared of her face. 'Wait....Elle's seeing someone?'

I was quiet for a second before I nodded 'Yeah'

'Well.......', Chloe said as she grabbed her coffee cup, 'I don't mean to sound like a bitch Flynn. But good on Elle'

'Really Clo?'

'What do you want me to say Noah?', she kept her voice in check as she stared me down. 'You broke up with her remember? Your the one that called the shots and decided what was best for your relationship and now your getting pissy because she seems to have meet a decent fella at USC?'

'No' I lied.

'I call bullshit. What did you expect her to do? Sit around and cry over you? You let her go hoping that she would spread her wings and fly and she seems to be doing that. If you don't want her Noah, then you can't expect the rest of the world not to want her either'

I ran my hands over my face, suddenly very tired and very ready to punch something. The conversation echoing around me as reality kept on going, while I was stuck in some crap spot between my past and what I really wanted for my future. The second Elle walked away from me that afternoon at the Hollywood sign, I knew I had made a mistake. When she asked me if that was what I really wanted and I said yes, internally I was screaming no.

'I'm sorry, but you needed to hear it', Chloe said after a while. 'It's really not fair to her, or to anyone you plan on dating for the rest of your life...'

'Yeah, I know and you don't need apologise when your right', I said 'I didn't think it was going to piss me off as much as I thought it would when Lee told me the other night'.

Chloe nodded, 'Well you are human and she wasn't just anybody. So you are allowed to feel something. If it's any consolation.....', she trailed off unsure whether to continue.


'If it's the bloke who I think it is, then she seems happy and he seems like a decent. I spoke to her a few weeks back and he came in towards the end of the video chat and introduced himself. Relax, they seemed to be having a study session. For what it's worth, she seems happy and that's all you wanted for her. Maybe it's time for you to try to. For what it's worth, Gabi is lovely. Better than what you have ended up with previously, other than Elle of course, but give it a shot'

'Yeah....' I really sounded like I was trying to convince even myself that this was a good idea.

'It's fine Flynn, you can just make it up to me this weekend. Saturday night?', she smiled as she opened her laptop and pulled out her books.

'Ah....', I started 'I can't this weekend. I'm flying back to LA on Friday night for wedding'

She shot me an unimpressed look, but quickly shrugged it off 'Oh. Damn. That sounds like fun though. Whose getting married?'

I ran my hand through my hair as I quickly stood up, 'Friend, well really family. He's getting remarried after losing his wife, who was amazing years ago. So, it's a big deal, I kinda can't miss it. My brother will be there as well....so, yeah'

'Oh how great. Do you need a hand with like getting a suit or gift or anything? I know how much you hate shopping?', she tried as I shook my head.

'Nah, Ma has that all covered. Everything will be sorted when I get back home. Um, I will make it up to you - when I'm back. But for now, I'll grab the coffee's. Usual, yeah?', I asked and she nodded, 'Yes, please. Thanks Noah'.

'No problem. I'll be back', I asked leaving my stuff and Gabi in the library as I headed for the door and the fresh air.

While I waited in line for the drinks, I grabbed my phone and sent Lee a quick text.

N. Change of plans. I'll be back in LA for the wedding. Be good to see you bro.

His reply was instant.

L. Really?

I rolled my eyes, he couldn't just say 'okay'.

N. Problem?

L. No, no problem. Just wondering why, cause you said you were busy.

N. Really? I can't want to come home and see everyone, especially for this?

I could see him typing back a reply, before he stopped as my order was called up. I grabbed the drinks and headed back to the library, hoping with a bit of a caffeine hit and someone to talk to, I would be a little more motivated to finish that essay. My phone vibrated in my hand, just as I sat back down and pulled up the website for flights to LA. Passing Gabi her coffee, I opened the text.

L. Okay, be good to see you too Noah. You better let Mum know though, ASAP.

Before another appeared.

L. I'm just gonna say it. If this has anything to do with our convo last week, then I'm wondering who exactly it is your really coming home to see....


To be continued xx

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