12. Elle

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When the timelines finally merge....

Elle POV

'Oh my....Lee their still doing this?!' I cried, as Lee pulled me into his side. Time had carried us forward, but after gradations and job offers and Lee and Rachel coming back to LA, we found our way back to our old high school's fundraiser. It was so weird to be back and see some familiar faces in old teachers and some totally new faces that had no idea about who we were or what has been born from one crazy idea.

The Kissing Booth stood as a beacon and from the crowd and noise that surrounded it was just as popular as every. Almost and I say almost, it could rival that night that we had first introduced it.

I bit my lip, as I wrapped my arms as I watched couples take a chance and kiss a total stranger. We laughed as we watched their expressions and I smiled at the thought of that night....my night....all those years ago.

How he made me feel. How we took a chance and how it just felt right.

And almost as if I had conjured him from the somewhere in my memory....somewhere that housed only memories that I allowed myself to think of every now and then....

There he was.

'Hey Shelly...'

'Hi Noah....'


A few years later....

'You know they are going to think we are finally announcing a date of the wedding...'


'You know this wasn't in the plan just yet....'


'So, we're still going to get married....eventually'


'You know you are going to cop ALOT of crap from the guys....'


'Your just really happy aren't you?' I laughed as he bounced, yes Noah Flynn was bouncing, around the house. His grin got even wider as he finally came to a stop and collapsed next to me on the couch.

'Yep', he said as he laid a kiss on my cheek. His phone was in his hand.

'Can I please tell the world now? I took the photo an everything' he pouted and he unlocked his device and my eyes scanned the message.

'Like you would be able to contain it otherwise', I mocked as he gently nudged me before hitting send and pulling me into his arms. I buried my head into his chest as his phone began to vibrate, a few seconds later I could hear mine doing the same thing.

He had his face buried in my hair, 'See what you did', I murmured and I felt his head shift to the side. 'Don't care. Just want to hold my girls....'

NOAH FLYNN & Elle Evans

Our little Flynnette.

DUE: Spring 2022

June Flynn: We are so so so happy. I'm going to start crying again. A little girl for us to love and adore!

Lee Flynn: YES! Finally! I can scream it to the world I'm going to be Uncle Lee!!!!! Congratulations!

Tuppen: You guys!!! This baby is super lucky to have the coolest parents! Congrats to you both!

Tuppen: @ Noah Flynn....KARMA DUDE! :P

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