2. Elle.

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We heard from Noah....and now it's Elle's turn.

I hope you enjoy it.

AliciaRuby90 xx

Elle POV

I woke up to the roaring of the ocean coming through the window, as I sat up in bed. No, not Noah's bed. I couldn't bear myself to go back in there and let his scent envelop me. That was Elle and Noah's room....we were no longer Elle and Noah.

I glanced quickly at the clock on my bedside and knew that it was far too early to be up. I had hoped that sleep would finally take me and let me rest from everything that had happened in the last twenty four hours, but it seemed my heart and my head wanted to process just exactly what happened. I was alone, or at least I thought I was. I didn't know if Lee or Rachel or even Chloe for that matter was still staying here. Noah had headed back home and as far as I knew that was where he was staying until he had to head back to Boston.

I didn't know what to think. I didn't know what to feel.

I got up from the bed, wrapping the blanket around me as I walked over to the balcony doors and throwing one of them open, letting the night and the sea air wash over me. My face was cold as the wind touched on it, and I knew that no matter how much I said I was okay, the tears kept falling. They would be falling for a while, but I didn't want anyone to see. I couldn't let anyone see.

I wrapped the blanket tighter around me, as I tried to keep myself from falling apart.

There was a part of me, a small part of me that felt relieved. And I know that sounds stupid, because why would anyone feel relieved breaking up with someone who they loved so so much?

Noah and I had never had an easy relationship, it was rocky from the start and from there it was just one obstacle over another. I thought we were stronger than this. I had hoped we were stronger than this, hoping that we would fight for each other given everything.

But as Noah said, 'Sometimes loving each other isn't enough' and apparently so in this case.

I was relieved that I didn't have to fight battles anymore. That I wouldn't be disappointed at him just not being there or always having to choose between him and Lee. I was tired of justifying myself and always doing what was best for others. I know what Noah did was for me and I'll be forever grateful that he did....but oh how it hurts.

How do you go from being with someone one day and then not being with them the next?

How do you wake up in the morning and know that there won't be a text there that says 'Good Morning' or 'I love you x'?

How do you walk past them or see them again and know that you won't be tucked into those strong arms or have them wrapped around you? How do you walk past them knowing what you have shared but acting like you haven't?

How do face the next day and the next day and the next day, knowing that you'll never kiss them again?

How do you face the prospect that maybe, they'll move on?

I let the tears stream down my face freely, as I tried to keep my heart from breaking more than it already had. I knew that eventually, I would begin to feel okay and that this was just apart of life.

I watched the waves crash onto the shore and let the minutes merge into hours, as I just sat and stared and processed everything that had passed.

This summer was supposed to be the best summer and even though it was in some aspects the 'worst' summer, I think it was more the summer of revelations. We were definitely all growing up and moving on. I just think that we all thought that would happen together - not apart.

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