Author Update and Sneak Peek

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Hey lovelies,

Hope everyone is keeping safe and had a decent start to 2022.

From where I am, it's a little crazy and has been for a little while...but hopefully it will pass.

I am working on something - there as a MASSIVE response to the one shot that I posted just before Christmas for 'Letting her go', which I'm expanding and hoping to have out soon.

I've also started an Insta page: @awritersreads

Realistically, in order to write good you need to read well. So that's what I'm doing. Feel free to follow along and continue this little community we have going.

As always, see below for a little sneak peek.

Stay safe and see you soon.

AliciaRuby90 x


Elle POV

'It's really good Shel', Noah clapped as I finished my pitch and let out a really big sigh of relief. 'I'm so proud of you. You can tell that you have put your heart and soul into you do everything'.

I bit my lip as I stopped sharing my screen and Noah's image in the screen returned to full size. I could see, like me, he was studying as well. It was late for both of us, but it was that time of year where everything was due all at once and and assignments were more important that sleep.

'Are you sure?' I asked, 'I mean, I think I could tweak it just a little I could add some more information....'

'Elle', Noah laughed as he took of his glasses (yep. Glasses) and rubbed his face. 'It's fine. You've hit the brief. I think your just over thinking it now, as we all do.....what did the other's say when you showed them?'

I shrugged, 'The same as you', I mumbled.

He grinned through the screen, 'See. Overthinking it. Leave it for a few days and come back to it and if you still think it needs tweaking, then change it. You've got time'

I bounced as little in my seat as I scrolled through my pitch. This was my last component for one of my design units and it was worth the most. The pitch was going to be delivered to an auditorium. We could invite family and friends to watch and would take place over a couple of days, with each student being given a specific time to present in front of a crowd and the assessors. I don't know if having my family there was a good or bad thing - I think that just added more pressure.

'Okay', I said moving all my notes to the side and taking a quick sip of water. 'Distract me. Tell me about your day!'

Noah raised his eyebrows and poked out his tongue, 'Look, if your looking for a distraction....'

'Tell me about your day Noah', I repeated sternly as we both started laughing.

'Fine, if you insist'


'I swear, they have done this torture us', Anthony paced back an forward as we heard the audience applaud the current presenter.

'You really need to calm down' or else I'm going to make you go and stand far, FAR away from me. I'm nervous enough as it is', Anna said her fingers tapped against her laptop, the sound only increasing as she got nearer and nearer to her turn.

'I didn't like presentations in High School, why are we now being subjected to this in College?', Anthony continued as I heard Anna let out a deep breath.

'Can you both calm down? Like I'm next and I'm trying not to freak out....'

'You will be fine Elle. Seriously. Your presentation is amazing. Everyone loves you and/or public speaking skills are fantastic....' Anna patted my back, giving me a reassuring smile. My phone buzzed in my hand as I quickly unlocked it.

N. Your going to be amazing. I'm so proud of you. Love you!

E. I'm glad your not here to watch me vomit in front of hundreds of people. Dad and Brad won't be so lucky.....

I clicked the phone shut as the last presenter rounded the corner and I took a deep breath. I was shaking. I gripped my laptop my hands as I stood up and made my way to just behind the curtain. My phone buzzed again and I quickly opened it as the IT guys loaded my presentation.

N. You sure about that? :P

I stared at my phone as I blinked, looking at the words that were on the screen. What?

'Elle!', Anna screeched as I caught very end of my last name before I walked around and gave the crowd a small smile as I placed my laptop on the lectern. The applause started to die out but not before I heard a wolf whistle.

My whistle.

A small smile played at my lips as I introduced myself to the crowd and dove into my presentation.

He was here.

And I could do this. 

Letting her go was the hardest thing I've ever had to do....Where stories live. Discover now