3. Elle.

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Hey lovelies,

Thank you for the support.

As always - if you like it, feel free to show it some love through a review or vote.

The chapters will take on the structure:

the first half being after Elle and Noah broke upthe second half being 6 years later after the reunion.

Hopefully it's not too confusing and I manage to make this work.

AliciaRuby90 x

Elle POV

So, I had managed to pull it off.

I managed to somehow ace the interview that landed me one of the most sought out and competitive positions at USC for their video game design program.

After the chat with Sarah and then being shortlisted for an interview, I honestly thought I had made a big mistake. After having lost...a lot....this summer there was only a small part of me that really wanted to fight for this.

The rest of me, was just really, really tired.

I could have taken the easy way out and just taken a gap year and just worked and then maybe have joined Lee at Berkeley the following year....or I could have taken a really big chance and gone to Harvard regardless of Noah and become....yeah, I really don't know.

They tell you all throughout High School - do something in College that is something you are passionate about. Not something that you had to do because it will make you rich or pay the bills. Somehow there are a lot more people who do that and end up hating the field that they have chosen and are envious of the people that followed what they love doing and show up to work with smiles on their faces every day.

I really wanted to be one of those people.

I played enough video games in my time to know what was good and what would work and I liked the business aspect that the degree offered as well, just in case, maybe I wanted to start up my own company one day.

Given that USC was practically twenty minutes from home, I didn't need to find a dorm. I could drive to school every day and then sleep comfortably in my own bed every night. Between all the money from work, the prize money from the competition and a little savings bonus from Mum and Dad, I was in a position that maybe an apartment in the near future was looking less like a dream and more like a reality.

I was a little early and just sat in my car, watching all the students walk by. Their hands full of laptops, books and coffee. The school year had only just started and already people were relying on their favourite caffeine to get them through.

My program was one of the last subjects to begin for the school year. Ideally, I was able to grab one of the last spots before the term began. I was lucky that like me, everyone else in my program would be starting at the same time so we would all be freaking out together...I guess.

I was nervous and I was excited to begin my classes as I glanced at the clock and quickly gathered my bag, key and phone before jumping out of the car and heading towards the computer lab.

I grinned as I looked around, as I walked through the campus. College studies were harder I guess, but looking around...it was just like High School. You could tell who was just beginning their College experience versus those who were smack bang in the middle of it. The look of relief upon the Senior's face and the way their shoulders were slumped, proved that they were glad to have only one more year to go and then they were out. There were large groups of people and small clicks of friends as chatter echoed around.

Letting her go was the hardest thing I've ever had to do....Where stories live. Discover now