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But what if he didn't let her go.....what if they gave it a shot and tried? What if it worked?

My present to you. Merry Christmas!

AliciaRuby90 x

Noah POV

I rubbed my hands over my face as I pulled my headphones from my ears. I had slept the entire flight. It had been an exhausting last couple of weeks as classes wrapped up for winter break.




Looking back, I couldn't remember the last time that I had had a decent night sleep or managed to just chill infront of the TV. I was either studying or too damn tired to make it through an episode of anything. The plane finally touched down at LAX.

I was home.

I needed this break. I was supposed to be arriving in a couple of days time to celebrate the holidays, but things had thankfully wrapped up a bit sooner. Everything that still needed to be finalised just before the holidays could be done via laptop and didn't need me anywhere in Boston for it. So, I didn't wait, I threw what I needed into my carry on and booked the first available ticket back to LA and although that meant arriving in the early hours of the morning, it meant that I got back to her. And that was all that I wanted.

I was in my Senior Year at Harvard and she was half way through her Game Design degree at USC. I knew I made a mistake, I knew the minute that I watched her walk away from me in tears that I had a made a mistake. But I was just too damn stubborn to admit first.


'What the hell are you doing?', Chloe raged as she walked into my room. Her eyes were trained on me, my hands stilled as I stopped packing the things that I was throwing in my bag ready for Boston.

I sighed, 'What's best for her'

'What's best for her. Right. Did you want to say that again to me? But this time make it sound more convincing. Because how your looking and what your saying are delivering two VERY different messages.....', she fired back. There was a knock at the door, before Lee let himself in.

'Oh good, you've already started with the yelling. I'll wait until your done', he smirked as he fist bumped with Chloe and then took a seat on the arm chair in the corner of my room.

I looked between the both of them, before shaking my head and making a beeline towards my jacket and keys.

'Don't even think about', Chloe spat, raising her eyebrows. I sighed, dropping the keys and making a motion for them to continue. Chloe and Lee shared a look and he nodded.

'I say this because I love you and I know you are the most stubborn person that I know, but you have made a mistake. What you did.....I get it. I really do and I know that you thought you were doing what's best for her....but did you think about what is best for you?'

'Does it matter?'

'Yes, it does. Can you at least tell me why you did it? After everything that you have been through....after everything! I mean he's fine with it', she said pointing to Lee who shrugged '....she told you there was nothing there with Marco...I mean....', she threw up her hands in the air, exasperated.

'It's fine Clo. It's done'

'No, it's not done Noah. Tell me what the hell is going through that thick head of yours....because there is way more to this story than what you are letting on'

Letting her go was the hardest thing I've ever had to do....Where stories live. Discover now