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"Good Morning(: Your probably still asleep like a loser but I guess your still cool"


"Well since Im awake, that must mean Im god damn awesome?" I smiled at my text before confidently sending it. I went to put back my phone but, immediately got a text back.

"Not as awesome as me. But dont worry, youll get there(;"


"Haha. You excited for bootcamp?"

"Nervous. I wonder if the twist is that were now gonna be some spies or something."

"I know the twist."

"What!?! What is it!?"

"Youll find out later. Gotta go. Ustream in 10."

"Who does a Ustream 5:13 in the morning."

"Awesome people. Bye beautiful"

"If thats what ya call it. Bye(:"

After reading our conversation a billion times, I went to get my laptop. Might as well be amused by the loser.


An hour later, I was crying from laughing so hard. Hes hilarious. Sweet Baby Jesus can he be mine? Well, I got done laughing around 6:30 and decided to hop in the shower. I got some sweats out and a comfy tee so that when I got out I could crawl right back in to my warm bed. Which, matter of factly, I did.


(1 hour later)

It was 8 o'clock on the dot and I still havent gotten up from my cozy bed. I'm so nervous. Well, after constant arguing with my mom on if I would be late or not, I got up and realized my hair would go in a pretty sock bun today. Light makeup. And my red jean shorts with a black crew neck tee. I picked up a red scarf that had black hearts on it matching perfectly. I grabbed my black jordans and some black bow earrings. Im kind of an OCD freak. I have to match. Well, once I was satisfied with how I look, I looked at the clock to see the time. 8:22. Seriously, mom?

I walked down stairs to find my sister and my mom still in their PJ's. What the hell?

"So is this the new trend?" I asked them. Sarcasm was maybe a little too obvious but who cares.

"Im just driving you there. I dont need to impress people as much as you do!" Tusche mother. Tusche.

"Fine. Can we start setting up the studio? If we finish it, maybe I can start putting my instruments in there when I get home. I can call Joe and Xavier to help with the paino." Joe and Xavier are my moms best guy friends. They both have girls my age but theyre cheerleaders and I like to be one of the guys so we dont get along the best. But they get along with Lucy great. My mom said yeah to them coming because then their wives could come amd my mom loves to talk for hours with them and Lucy will have someone to play with while Im gone.


Around 8:30 we were alive enough to start the studio. Luckily, I learnes stuff from my dad. This kind of stuff wasnt easy. I had to explain to my mother what goes where. And the occasional 'Mother the manuals upside down' but after 45 minutes we were done. I had enough time to put sticky notes on every instrument that needed to be moved while I was gone and to check my self before we left. I couldnt wait to meet more people like me. And to see Austin. Todays the day they tell us 'The Twist' about the competition. And my mind is running free on those thoughts.

I got in the car and got ready for this. Nerves are taking over. Dammit. Is it too late to run?

Theres Always a Catch. (Austin Mahone One DirectionFAN FIC)Where stories live. Discover now