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*** Austins POV ***

She kissed me. Is it corny to say I felt butterflies? As a guy?

Does that make me gay? Either way, it felt right. I only knew her for a couple weeks but it felt like forever. It kills me knowing, she probably regrets kissing me. Because if she did, she thinks shell win cause of me. Why cant she understand, shes gonna win for abnormal talent.

I think too much. Because I didnt even get to enjoy the kiss. Once I was done thinking, it was over.

"Can I come in..?" She just nodded, I knew it. She regrets it.

"Im so sorry. I dont know what I-"

"Eli, Ive wanted to do that for a week now. Dont apologize." She looked shocked. She had the dumbest look on her face but she was still beautiful.

"Are you sure? Cause I feel terrible. i shouldnt have kissed you. It was stupid. Just a school girl crush, ya know?" Her back was turned to me now. She headed back to her bed, she had a couple movie boxes on her bed, popcorn, and no room mates in here.

"I liked it. School girl crush or not." I smiled at her so she knew I was telling the truth. i was freaking out inside but i think one of us should try and be cool. So I just walked over to her and sat on her bed. "Where is everyone?"

"Out to dinner. I didnt wanna go. I dont exactly like all the girls yet. So I cant handle a couple hours of them in a loud place."

God shes adorable.

"So, your gonna stay home alone watching movies and stuffing your face with ice cream, pizza, and popcorn?" She got a little red so I added, "Without me!?!" I put on a shocked face and she laughed. It felt good to see her smile. And it felt even better that I was the reason. I looked at all the movies she had, all my favorites.

I saw she had just started Pitch Perfect. Oh, Im going to enjoy this. I got up and motioned her to sit down as I went to get her food. She laughed at how nice I was.

"What, theres nothing that says I cant be a gentleman towards the girl I like." Im never this straight forward, but I felt different around her. Like she was my best friend.

"No but there is something that says you cant just take my food." She got up and ran to the cart before I could get there. Damn, shes fast.

"Oh really? Wanna bet?" I furrowed my eyebrows and let out a slight laugh. She did just the same.

"Try me, pretty boy"

"You asked for it!!" I ran towards her and strated tickling her. She let out a playful scream as I picked her up and set her down on the ground, I ran back to the cart, took a spoonful of ice cream. I shoved it in my mouth, just as she screamed 'No!'. She pretended to cry so that I would give in, which of course, I did.

"Dammit. Your lucky youre cute."

She just smiled. Satisfied with how quickly I gave in.

I grabbed another spoon, the whole tub of ice cream and sat at the edge of the bed with her. We were on the floor, cause she thought it was warmer than the bed. For some odd reason, I got on the floor with her. She sat with her legs criss-cross and I sat with my legs bent.

"So what are you guys doing for your group performance?" I asked her as I shoved a spoon ful of ice cream in my mouth.

"A mash up."


"Paradise, Shes Not Afraid, and ..." Her voice trailed off, leaving me in anticipation. "11:11" I guess my eyes went wide as she winked at me after she said the title of my song. I blushed, and I could feel it. She let out the cutest giggle I'd ever heard.

"Why do you have this effect on me?" I covored my mouth, I didnt mean to say that so loud.

"What effect"

No way out of this one.

"You give me butterflies and I blush and i dont know I never have to watch what I say with you. i can be so straight up. And when Im with you, I cant think of anything else. Your different than I thought you'd be but I don't know how yet."

She blushed which made me blush.

" Your not as egotisitical as I thought you would be." it shocked me but I agreed. We both laughed.

"You dont treat me like a huge superstar. I feel normal around you. It makes it easy for me to do this." I looked in her eyes, taking in every feature. I leaned in closer, and kissed her.

This time, I took the time to enjoy it. I felt like nothing could ever break us apart. She made me feel like we were the only people on Earth. The butterflies bounced off of every piece of my stomach and just a peck of a kiss turned in to something, I would always love.

We pulled back at the same time. We just looked in each others eyes.

I realized, for the first time, I saw happiness in her eyes.

"Happiness is a beautiful look on you.."

Then I remembered the boys are watching us, in the camera. Yeah theres a camera in here. Just in case something were to happen. Thats how I knew Eli was in here alone. Theyre probably paying each other money. They always make bets on the moves I make with Eli. Like the first day of her rehearsal.

They bet I would run down just too see her close up. I said I wouldnt because I can control myself. But obviously, I couldnt. And Cody lost.

I looked around for the mirror with a camera in it, once I found it, it was behind Eli. I hugged her, so that I could take the time to flip off the camera without her seeing.


An hour passed and Eli walked me back to my room, 5 doors down.

"Thank you for tonight" I told her

"No problem. Thanks for keeping me company." She smiled and started to walk back to her room. Once she was out of sight, i remember what I wanted to ask her. I was going to call after her but she was gone.

Instead, I just walked inside, where the boys were waiting. They made some stupid comments but I just walked over to my bed, blushing.

I grabbed my phone and texted Eli:

'What are we..?'

Immediately getting a response,

'Dunno. You tell me.'

Just as I was responding, Louis took my phone, sent something, and deleted it.

'Uh, then Im sorry for bothering you..' was the text I got back from her.

"Louis!!! What the hell did you send her"

"I told her you had a girlfriend." He laughed with the rest of the guys but I just threw my phone down and attacked him.

"Say you're sorry!" I forced him.


"You suck. Go tell her it was you."

" Austin, you can jeapordize everything by going out with her. Her chances at winning and ours at being good judges. We all like girls in this competition. But were staying distant, for that same reason. Now get off of Tommo." Liam told me.


I walked back over to my bed. And just layed there. They wanted to make me sad, they did. Ill show them it too.

A perfect night, turned to shit.

Theres Always a Catch. (Austin Mahone One DirectionFAN FIC)Where stories live. Discover now