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It had been a long day for Jennie; new endorsements and she's very thankful for that but most times she feels exhausted. She had a whole day photoshoot for ELLE and after that a congratulatory dinner for the release of her new endorsement, ACEBEDS; with the production staff and crews that turned out to be something more which caused the girl to arrive home late.


A soft and confused whisper left the brunette's mouth. She didn’t expect to find her girlfriend sitting on the couch in her house when she turned the lights on. It was sort of surprising because Rosie is kind of busy too with her own schedules and endorsements.

Instead of asking what the younger girl is doing at her place, she just simply asked her the most obvious thing.

“Why aren’t you sleeping yet?” She asked looking at the tall blonde girl on the couch.

 “Love, it’s really late and I don’t think it is okay for you to be awake at this time. Is there any problem?” She added, truly concerned about her girlfriend’s state.

“I’m fine…” Chaeyoung replied.

Some would think that for someone who appears to be the stronger one during live shows or even in front of the camera making others believe what she said would be easy, but that wasn’t the case especially when she’s in front of Jennie.

“I can see you’re not, you look tired.” The brunette girl mentioned as she seated on the couch next to the younger girl, facing the latter.

A comfortable silence, the tall blonde goddess fidgeted with her fingers, unsure of letting out her reasons that’s been clouding up her mind for quite a while now.

“Itriedtotakeanap… butIcouldn’tsleepbecauseyouweren’therewithme.”

Rosie said really fast, with her eyes closed, hoping that Jennie hadn’t caught the message; since it was kind of embarrassing for her to admit how much she needed the older girl at times like this.


Jennie asked, she actually heard and understood the whole thing the first time, causing a small smile to appear on her face, but she wanted to hear it again and maybe to tease the younger girl after.


The younger girl started to repeat shyly.

“I tried to take a nap… but… I couldn’t sleep because you weren’t here with me.” She said, making sure the other girl was listening.

Jennie smiled wide this time, seeing her girlfriend all flustered about admitting something like that. Rosie wasn’t the type to show how weak she is but always being the cute puppy when she’s alone with Jennie or with the other members. Rosie always make her feel loved and happy, though it was just a simple thing but it really mattered.

She slowly reached for the blonde girl’s fingers rubbing it in the process, bringing it closer to her lips and gave it a tender kiss. Rosie automatically looked at her and when Jennie looked at those lovely brown eyes, she couldn’t help herself but to feel like falling deeply in love with this goddess in front of her.

She leaned in and gave Rosie a kiss, not caring if her mom might see them. She is kind of used to it though.

“I love you” Jennie said and smiled, her lips still touching those of Rosie's soft ones.

“I love you too.” The younger girl replied, an expression of complete adoration on her face.

“I love you more, love”

Jennie started leaning her forehead on Rosie’s after giving it a light kiss.

“Let’s sleep, shall we?”

The older girl mentioned as she stood up from the couch, offering the younger one her hand so she could stand up too.


Rosie contently replied, automatically feeling sleepy the moment Jennie helped her up from the couch. She accepts Jennie’s soft hands that lead her to the older girl’s bedroom so they could cuddle to sleep.


A short one based on a story I read about but I cannot remember what it was 😅

I am trying to write but I've been having this terrible headache. I apologize for the slow updates

Hope you enjoyed reading.
Thanks, loves ❤️

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