All Yours

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Yes. You got it right!

"Let's Get Away" College scenarios

It was a lazy afternoon for our favorite couple. The cat-eyed girl busied herself with a very interesting novel while Rosie's head rests on top of her girlfriend's chest counting Jennie's heartbeat out of boredom. She just got tired counting how many times Jennie blinks while reading yet she started another counting work.

And for the second time Rosie got bored, she wanted to go out but the cat-eyed mandu cheeks is too busy with a book that she gave her. She notes to herself not to give Jennie Kim a book next time if she doesn't want to get neglected.

She look up to meet the girl’s eyes but to her disappointment Jennie didn’t even bother giving her even a glimpse. Although Jennie gets her free hand busy caressing Rosie's blonde locks that makes her a bit sleepy.

“Jen” she finally called her.

“mmm” Jennie answered.

“Love… let’s go out” Rosie said.

“It’s too hot outside love… let’s just stay here” Jennie said. The longest answer she got for the last 2 hours. Jennie managed to answer even without tearing her focus on the book.

“But we are not a tropical country Nini… it can never be too hot outside" Rosie whines at her girlfriend’s answer.

“Yes it is… it’s almost time for summer. If we go outside you can die from heat stroke. That’s how hot it is” Jennie answered. Still, her focus is on her beloved book. But Rosie will take these answers instead of just a hum.

“But I’m way hotter!” Rosie whines. It was that moment when she feels frustrated and words got mixed up as it rolls out of her mouth.

“I know, right?" Jennie said with a naughty smile on her face. But still, her eyes in the book.

Rosie stopped whining and blushed as she realized the meaning of what she said. She immediately pouts when Jennie acted like she didn’t say something to make her feel flushed as she sees her girlfriend still engrossed with the thick pages of the book.

"Hmfp!" Rosie got off from the bed and went to the kitchen to get some water to cool off. She also got a tub of ice cream and started to stab the poor creamy fellow with a spoon.

"She forgot about me because of that stupid book" she said.

"Stupid Nini…"

"Stupid weather"

"Stupid weekend"

"Stupid life"




*Stab *stab *stab

After venting out her mood on the ice cream. Rosie felt a little better but not until she went back into her room and saw Jennie still reading the book. She gave up and get something in a drawer of bedside cupboard before sitting near the edge of the bed. Jennie felt the bed shifted a little but after that nothing.

She tried peeking on what her girlfriend is doing and smiled when she saw Rosie scribbling something on her sketchpad. Rosie took a peek on her subject and their eyes met. She glared at Jennie and she proceeded on her sketch as Jennie continued reading.

After a few moments, Rosie was able to make a masterpiece of Jennie with her annoying book. And yet the cat-eyed girl seems to be having an affair with her newly found hobby and is totally ignoring her sulking girlfriend.

Since the tall blonde goddess is desperate for the cat-eyed brunette's attention she tried different options to get it so bad.

“Jen” she called her again.

“mmm” Jennie hums.

“I’m pregnant” Rosie said and waits for an answer.

"Congratulations" Jennie said.

'what the heck, unnie?!' Rosie thought.

“Jen!” Rosie raised her voice.

“mmmm” but Jennie just hummed.

“Let’s break up. Because you're ignoring me” Rosie said.

Wait for it…

“5 more minutes, love”

Rosie gasps.

"You don't love me anymore" Rosie sulk. She doesn't know if it's just her imagination or Jennie just snorted. Is she laughing at her?

Rosie got really annoyed and threw a pillow at Jennie. She felt like she’s in hell by the amount of attention that Jennie is giving her. But what the tall blonde brat goddess doesn’t know is Jennie knows exactly what she wants, but where is all the fun if she will just give in to her every time. It’s nice to have the upper hand sometimes. Their friends and even people at work always call her whipped Jennie.

“Love…” Rosie gave her one last try.


“let's shower together? I'll let you do anything you want” sexy Rosie is definitely one of Jennie's weakness. But a whining sexy Rosie is a whole lot of level.

“really?" Jennie took the bait.

"Yes" Rosie answered in a heartbeat.

Or maybe Jennie didn't.

"Okay. Later love”


Rosie is getting tired and really really upset. She wanted to just sleep and forget this nightmare of hers.

“Can I at least get a kiss?” Rosie is already straddling Jennie. She wanted to just snatch the book and threw it somewhere really far away from Jennie but it would be disrespectful and Jennie would get mad at her.

Rosie is actually doing a great job being a good girl and not be a bratty princess.

“I’m almost done… wait”

Rosie went to Jennie's side and hugged her waist. Nuzzling in her girlfriend's clothes.

“How about now?” Rosie tried her voice is muffled against Jennie's shirt.

“Last page…” Jennie said.

Rosie burried her head on the pillow this time and give in to her sleep. She got tired in getting her girlfriend’s attention which she didn't know was hers all the time. Jennie enjoyed teasing Rosie and she knows that the blonde will get her revenge one day but that's for another story.

Jennie closed the book and got out of bed. She carefully fix Rosie’s blanket and made sure she is in a comfortable position. Jennie fixed Rosie's blonde locks away from her face. She kissed the tall blonde girl’s forehead and peck her nose before kissing her on the lips.

“Silly… my attention is all yours, love" Jennie whispered. 


Will proofread and edit later.

I miscalculated and found one more in the draft to update for later hahahaha.

For those who are asking for updates for the other books. I want to settle this book first then I'll try and work on the others specially IMJK.

As for code zero, I really want to write a new chap for that one too but I am having a hard time writing what I want. A mystery, action, procedural kinda story is a bit hard to compose lol.

Thanks for reading!

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