Don't Leave

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Slightly mature content

"Please, L-love. Give me time please. One more day, Rosie. Just, stay. For one more day. Please" Jennie desperately begged for her lover not to go.

"I'm sorry Jen. I'm really sorry" Chaeyoung said and forced her hand to get free from Jennie's grip.



3 days ago...

Chaeyoung was busy with something on her laptop when she heard a knock on her door. She was a bit hesitant because she isn’t expecting someone. If it’s Jennie or any of the girls they would’ve barged in without knocking. Chaeyoung  gets up when she heard another set of knocking, maybe it’s something important.

When she opened the door, she saw Lisa and Jisoo carrying a very drunk Jennie. The tall blonde girl was so surprised with the sight before her.

“Hey, Ch-chongah…” Lisa nervously greeted her.

“What happened?” Chaeyoung asked.

“Nothing alarming, she just had a little bit more than her usual” Jisoo said when Lisa got too nervous to even speak.

“Is that so? Thank you for bringing her home, unnie, Lisa. I’ll take her from here” Rosie said and tried getting Jennie from the two girls.

“Umm… see you tomorrow Chongah, Jennie” Lisa said followed by Jisoo who waved goodbye.

"au revoir les amis" Jennie slurred in french.

“See you…” Rosie said and guided Jennie to the living room.

It wasn't easy and smooth navigating inside their dorm unit with a drunk Jennie. Sure, Chaeyoung is much taller than the brunette but Jennie is sure touchy and silly when intoxicated.

“CHAEYOUNG-AHH! MY ROSIEPOSIE!! SA-RANG-HAE-YOOWW” Jennie drunkenly confessed, screaming her heart out.

“Yah! I know! Please don’t shout, you are going to disturb the neighbors” Rosie said trying to balance her steps and Jennie’s.

“Park Chaeyoung… sa-rang-hae-yoww…” Jennie whispered this time while giggling, nuzzling her face on the crook of Chaeyoung's neck.

Chaeyoung wanted to get mad at her girlfriend for drinking but this drunk Jennie is too cute and child-like Jennie. Something that she doesn’t often see.

“Oopsies, watch your step, Love” Chaeyoung said softly when Jennie stumbles on her feet.

Jennie giggles in response and stumbles again before throwing herself on the couch pulling Chaeyoung on top of her.

“Aaaack!” Rosie screams in surprised.

“I wanted to hear that scream inside the bedroom, Love” Jennie said caressing Chaeyoung’s hair.

“Yah! Pervert!” Chaeyoung shouted slapping Jennie’s chest.

 “Awwie” Jennie pouted.

"Serves you right" Rosie huffed before snuggling with Jennie.

They stayed in that position for a while, not that Chaeyoung is complaining but the cat-eyed girl wouldn’t even let her move so she accepted her current state. She looked up to see Jennie with her eyes closed.

“Why did you drink though?” Chaeyoung whispered thinking that Jennie is already sleeping.

That moment Jennie opened her eyes and stared back at Chaeyoung. The blonde girl was surprised but also looked at brunette's eyes.

“Don’t leave me” Jennie said.

Park Chaeyoung, felt guilty.

Guess she can’t hide it from Jennie Kim anymore.

"I'm not going to stay there for long" Rosie said cautiously.

"Still. Don't leave me" Jennie said, her delicate voice cracks as tears started welling in the corner of her eyes.

"I'll be back. For you, I will" Chaeyoung said. It was the first time Jennie cried like this. She wanted to laugh at this version of Jennie already but her heart couldn't do it, so she just went with it.

"B-but how about me? You don't love me anymore?" Jennie asked.

"What? Of course, I love you" Chaeyoung knows that it was the alcohol talking but still hearing those words from Jennie pulled some of her heart strings.

"But you're going to leave" Jennie said.

"I'll be back before you know it. I won't stay long in there" Chaeyoung explained even she knows that Jennie would forget everything once she wakes up tomorrow morning with a hangover.

"I love you. I don't know what would I do without you" Jennie cried.

"What do you usually do when I'm away?" Rosie asked.

"Wait for you to come back?" Jennie sniffed, her hands slowly crawling inside the tall blonde's shirt.

Rosie, flinched a little when she felt a cold pair of hands slid under her shirt. Her breath kind of fell short as those hands roam around her back.

"You might have to wait longer than usual but I promise you that I'll be back, hmm?" Chaeyoung said.

Jennie's hands rested on both sides of Chaeyoung's love-handle, her thumbs are drawing comforting circles around the blonde girl's stomach that sends comfort throughout her body.

"Hmm" Jennie hummed sadly.

A few seconds later, a warm pair of lips are suddenly on her lips already. Jennie sighed in satisfaction. This is the life that she wanted to have for the rest of her lifetime. However, sometimes she needs to endure the coldest season wherein her one and only love needs to go home to her parents who are in Australia.

Jennie tried to switch the position, she attempted to flip Rosie twice but she can't and all she could hear was the tall blonde's giggles.


"I'll take care of you tonight, silly. My turn" Rosie whispered dangerously closed to Jennie's ears.

Moans and groans are the only sound that filled the room.

"Love, bed" Jennie managed to say.

The night was filled with love and screams and, and love. Yes. Lots of it.


"Jen, that's enough" Jisoo said.

"Look around, people are staring at us. They thought we are filming some kind of a sapphic music video" Lisa said as she embarrassingly looked at the people bowing, apologizing for such inconvenience.

The three of them watched Chaeyoung walked towards the departure area bound to Melbourne.

"My Rosie" Jennie said sadly the two other girls are already used to this kind of Jennie but looks like it wasn't going to end.

Jennie stayed rooted in there waiting for Rosie to look back. And when she did it looks like Jennie has been shot by cupid's arrows multiple times for the same person. Rosie looked at Jennie's reaction and laughed at how silly her girlfriend is.

"Roseanne Park Chaeyoung. I'll wait for you" Jennie said.

"Aish! Cut!" Jisoo shouted and just like that the show is over.


Hi! For this book's 100th chap! Thank you very much readers! Here's to more stories 🍻🍻

I'm not sure if this made sense but nevertheless enjoy!

Thank you, loves (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

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