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"Let's Get Away" College scenarios.


Jennie woke up when she felt a damped towel on her forehead. She opened her eyes slowly and suddenly shivered when she felt Rosie's cold hand caresses her cheeks.

“Love…?” she asked with a hoarse voice, her nose is clogged and her eyes looks like she’s about to cry.

And yes, Jennie got the fever.

“You’re burning, Love” Rosie said and she looks like she's about to cry first than Jennie.

“Oh?” Jennie didn’t quite catch what’s happening to her. Her mind is still hazy causing herself to be this dysfunctional in the morning.


“Ooooohhhhh” Jennie’s brain suddenly switched on.

“I don't know what to do” Rosie said. She really doesn’t like it when someone gets sick. She doesn't have any idea what to do around a sick person and it doesn't help that Jennie is the sick person.

“Love… you should be at school, right?” Jennie said suddenly.

“I'll skip for today so I can take care of you” Rosie said making a decision pronto.

“No, Love… I’ll be okay. I just need some rest” Jennie looked at Rosie with her puffy cat eyes. And with her condition right now it was extra irresistible.

Jennie feels bad that she's sick. She never gets sick, even as a kid she rarely gets a fever. She's also used to taking care of herself during those rare times that she gets sick. So, having Rosie around while she's sick in bed would be an unfamiliar atmosphere.

"But, you're sick. What if you need something and you can't get it?" Rosie asked.

"Love, I'll be okay. I promise. This is nothing, I just need to sweat and the fever will go away already" Jennie said.

"I can help you sweat" Rosie said.

"Roseanne Park" Jennie said.

“Okay” Rosie gets up and starts to get ready for school, she also prepares everything Jennie needs and some medicines for her to take.

Suddenly an idea struck her head. Jennie cannot do anything whether she skips her class or not, she's sick for Pete's sake! She won't have the energy to complain if she stays and take care of her.

She grabbed her phone and dialed Jisoo's number. She went to the bathroom and gets a basin and filled it with water. She also gets a clean towel so she can wipe Jennie with a wet towel to lessen her temperature.

That's the only thing she knows about taking care of a sick person. Like that's basic knowledge. Thanks to those movies and dramas she watches.

'Yes? Where are you? Are you skipping class? I should've skipped too but Wendy didn't let me!" Jisoo said over the phone.

"Chu! Focus!" She said.

'Okay okay okay, chill' Jisoo answered.

"I need your help! Jennie is sick and I want to cook something for her. What's the best soup for sick people?" She asked.

"Oh? I don't know. Let me ask Wendy" Jisoo said and she heared her screaming Wendy's name. She also heard Jisoo telling Wendy her concern.

'There is no best soup for sick people, babe. Any soup will do. Just make it a light soup because her stomach might get sick. Just give her a light meal, knowing that you'll cook, feeding her won’t be a problem’ Wendy said.

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