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📝Flash Fiction / Short Shot

🥵 slightly mature content


"Can any of you two be a good youngest and wake up Jennie? Breakfast is almost done" Jisoo asked.

Two tall girls looked at each other and shook their heads. One is genuinely scared while the other one tried her best not to be caught wanting to wake up the sleeping dragon.

"Jisoo unnie~" Lisa whined cutely.

"Chaeyoung, wake Jennie up" Jisoo said.

"Nœr~"Chaeyoung whined.

"Go. Now" Jisoo firmly ordered.

"You always favored Lisa because you have a crush on her" Chaeyoung said and ran away from the kitchen.

"Park Chaeyoung!" Jisoo shouted.

Lisa was smiling and looked at the older girl.

"So, you have a crush on me" Lisa said smirking at the older girl.

"Shut up~" Jisoo said.

Upon reaching Jennie's room, Chaeyoung carefully twisted the door knob and quietly opened it afraid that she might wake up the older girl in a way that she didn't plan.

"Jennie unnie" she whispered tiptoeing towards the sleeping girl's bed.

Jennie might have answered her with some soft snores and other than that none. Chaeyoung happily leaned down, her lips specifically closer to the cat eyed girl's ear.

"Jennie unnie wake up now" she whispered.

However, Jennie just stirred and didn't even flutter her eyes open.

"Jennie unnie" Chaeyoung whispered again.

"mmmmm" only a hum.

"unnie~" Chaeyoung tried changing her voice into a seductive one purposely touching her lips against Jennie's earlobe.

Enough to wake a sleeping beast in the depths of Jennie's well established self control.

"Love, baby, let me sleep" Jennie murmured.

Chaeyoung was surprised that Jennie was able to construct an answer amidst her half-asleep state. And that she knew that it was her or else they'll get busted.

Chaeyoung sighed. Jennie was never the heavy sleeper, unless she really is tired. Although the amount of Jennie's solo gig these past few days were overwhelming, no wonder her girlfriend sleeps like a log.

Yeah, girlfriend. It was still a secret between the two of them but she feels that Jisoo and Lisa might have an idea already.

Luckily, 2 years of being in a secret relationship, she knows what her girlfriend's weakness is. She smiled in victory because she knows that what she's about to do will not only wake Jennie physically but will also wake up something inside the older girl.

She slowly peels the blanket that covers Jennie who sleeps with her tank top and shorts. A smirk appeared on Chaeyoung's calm face as she crawls carefully on the bed getting on top of Jennie ready to execute her plan.

Jennie shifted when the cold air from the aircon touched her bare skin. Chaeyoung gulped quietly and waited for Jennie to stop moving.

When she's satisfied with her position. She starts kissing the sleeping girl on the lips.

"Nini~" she whispered in between kisses.

She put light pecks on Jennie's soft lips.

"Wake up, sexy~"

But to no avail, Jennie seems to be enjoying the sweet assault that the younger girl is giving her. She might be thinking that she's still in dreamland, after all Jennie wouldn't think that Chaeyoung will take drastic measures just to wake her up.

But playful pecks and light kisses turned into something hotter as Chaeyoung trails hot kisses to Jennie's jawline up to the girl's weak spot which is the pulse point just beneath Jennie's ears.

Moments later, Jennie felt Chaeyoung devouring her neck, the girl's teeth softly sunk on her left collar bone as if the younger was trying not to leave a mark. Jennie felt hot especially when she felt that Chaeyoung lick the part that she bit. Wanting to switch places, Jennie tried to shift so she could flip the girl over and she'll top but then she realized that she's being restrained by her girlfriend's unbelievably strong hands.

Chaeyoung traveled her lips without even touching the girl underneath her. She raised Jennie's tank top using her teeth and noticed a pair of lustful cat eyes observing her so she stares back at it while she do the deed.

Jennie softly gasps, Chaeyoung looks so fucking sensual biting the hem of her tank top while straddling her, first thing in the morning. She always want it when Chaeyoung bites, Jennie is a biter but it was given.

Chaeyoung always stirs something wild inside her when she bites. Whether it was a piece of clothing or when Chaeyoung bite her lips or Jennie's lips when they kiss.

Another smirk appeared on the younger's face when Jennie closed her eyes containing her moans because of what Chaeyoung is doing to her. The younger girl trails wet kisses from Jennie's now exposed chest dragging her upper lip down to her hard rock abs purposely sliding her tongue just below the older girl's navel. She gave it a kiss and suck it hard that probably leave a love mark as she heard her girlfriend released a lustful but restrained moan.

Jennie grabbed the sheets and waited for Chaeyoung to do her. She's willing to submit just this once. She needs a release and Chaeyoung unbelievably brought her near climax with just a foreplay.

Seeing that her plan of waking Jennie is a success, Chaeyoung left her still aroused girlfriend waiting for more action whilst her eyes still close. She suppress a laugh as she escape the room careful of not making any sound.

When she reached the kitchen where their two other members are they heard the older girl's frustrated shout.


Lisa and Jisoo looked at the laughing Chaeyoung who seems to be celebrating her own victory. Minutes after, they saw a grumpy Jennie who appears by the kitchen glaring at Chaeyoung.

"That's not my middle name, unnie" Chaeyoung said giggling.

"You should've finished what you started, Park" Jennie whispered dangerously close to Chaeyoung as she sat down and stabbed a bacon and ate it whole.



So this is based on a prompt I saw on google 🙃

is it obvious that I'm a bit of a mess right now? Lol I can't get my brain to work for decent updates. A little patience for me please.

Thanks, loves ❤️

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