Chapter 1

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AN: Ok, this is going to be one big big experiment on my side.

So. Last month I started to work on my original story about monster hunters. Last week I thought that maybe it would be worth a shot to write something similar for my favourite Haikyuu boys. A.k.a I discovered I kinda like writing AUs and can't get the idea out of my head.

Beware of the trigger warnings, I'll put them in front of the chapters. It's monster hunting, so there will be some violence (knowing me probably not just from the hunting, but hey, we'll see).

Anyway, let's get into this. I hope you'll enjoy.
Btw. I'm terribly sorry for the infodump at the beginning, but I had to introduce the system somehow. And please forgive me the probably terrible fighting scenes. Just ... focus mostly on the mystery, ok? :D


There was nothing in Yahaba's mind that could compare with its annoyance to being stuck in a small village in the middle of nowhere with Kyotani. No other person could make him lose his cool so fast and so frequently as the blond hunter, and of course he got him as a partner for this task.

The villagers reached out to the Hunters Guild, supplicating and offering everything they could afford just to get rid of the creature terrorizing them. Yahaba felt incredibly sorry for the poor people. They had almost nothing, and yet a ghúl decided to settle down on the tiny cemetery behind the village, tearing open the graves and leaving the uneaten body parts around, which created a high risk of spreading diseases. But the ghúl was apparently not satisfied just with the dead, and it was continuously feasting on unwary animals and even people visiting the graves.

The Guild Headquarters had taken immediate action, sending a message to the Quarters nearest to the place, which just happened to be the Castle Quarters.

Yahaba was delighted when he got called to their leader. It was quite a long time since he got out on a hunt, and he was becoming restless. However, as soon as he got to Oikawa's office and saw Kyotani there, his good mood disappeared. There was only one reason Oikawa would call two people to his office at the same time, and Yahaba was definitely not a fan of that.

It wasn't like the grumpy hunter was bad at his job. Quite on the contrary. He had some of the best results in the whole Castle, and even though he was one of the younger members, he had the most experiences right after the senior members. The problem was his infamous attitude towards everyone, be it someone of his rank or higher. It seemed like nothing mattered to him except getting his job done. The only one who got his respect was Iwaizumi, the vice-leader of the Castle. But that wasn't surprising, as everyone held Iwaizumi in high regard, even the members of other Quarters.

Of all people in the Castle, he seemed to dislike Yahaba the most. Yahaba didn't know what he did to the other hunter that caused him to be so hostile towards him, but that wasn't really his problem after all. If the other had some issue with him, he could say it. It's not like Kyotani had a problem with voicing out his displeasure about anything.

Well, it was kind of problematic when the two had to work together. The Guild's policy was to never (or almost never) send out a single hunter for the job, for the sake of safety and efficiency. Each individual member also had their own talent, which determined which jobs were suitable for them. Depending on the talent, the members were given their function in Guild. They ranged from Slayers to Healers, over Clerics to Element manipulators. The last ones were rare, though, and the hunters possessing those abilities were usually considered best in their craft. And of course Kyotani had to be one of them with his ability to control fire. It was infuriating, especially because Kyotani refused to use his talent, settling for slayer instead.

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