Chapter 16 part 1

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Drama incoming.


"So, that's our main theory?" asked Kyotani sceptically as soon as they left the leader's home. "A girl that killed seven people and tore their hearts out because she thinks it's wrong to keep secrets?"

Yahaba shot him an offended glare.

"Hey, you were the one who suggested it is her, remember? Besides, it can be done. She could just somehow stun them or drug them, for all we know, before killing them. Extracts from some plants can paralyze you in a matter of minutes, maybe she used them. Or she doesn't have to be human at all and is just good at hiding her true identity."

"What about her brother?"

Yahaba flinched at the hostility seeping from Kyotani's voice, even though it wasn't aimed at him.

"I ... don't know. But he seems kind ... doesn't he?"


Yahaba stopped, staring at the other's back.

"Why do you always get so angry when we talk about him? What did he do?"

"Except for constantly flirting with you? Nothing. I told you I don't like him. There is something off about him, I just know it."

Yahaba gasped, his cheeks turning pink.

"Are you je-"

"Oh, here you are! Wait up, please!"

Kyotani turned around, baring his teeth at the man running after them. Yahaba tensed when Hayashi caught up with them, though he wasn't sure if it was because of the man's presence or worry that Kyotani would do something stupid.

"What do you want?" snapped Kyotani, and Yahaba whined inwardly.

"I wanted to apologize for my behaviour yesterday," said Hayashi, bowing down deeply. "I don't know what got into me. I'm so sorry. Can I do something to expiate it?"

Yahaba took a quick glance at Kyotani, who still looked like he wanted to strangle the man on the spot. He suppressed the urge to smile. It was sweet, in a way.

"You can help us out," he offered, ignoring the not-so-silent huffing next to him. "We would like to speak with your sister. Can you take us to her?"

Hayashi straightened up, measuring Yahaba with a curious expression.

"I'm afraid she's not home right now. She left early in the morning when there was the chaos around the poor Kaneko's house. She recently started to do ink painting and said she needed some inspiration. But that said, she should be back already, but I haven't seen her yet."

"Do you know where she could be? It's important."

"Well, there is an old shack in the forest the hunters use when they go on overnight hunts. She said she will be there collecting some plants to use as a template. I can take you there if you want," he added with a wink towards Yahaba.

"That would be great," nodded Yahaba, grabbing the hem of Kyotani's shirt barely in time to stop him from pouncing on the other man.

Kyotani muttered something under his breath but backed off, earning a soft smile from the silver-haired man.


The forest was surprisingly pretty when it wasn't all dark and they weren't chasing a potential killer. Yahaba didn't wonder why the people decided to settle here. He spotted several places with berry bushes and heard the small animals running around in the undergrowth. If his mind wasn't still focused on the murders, he'd gladly enjoy the sun rays warming his skin through the branches.

They went approximately the same way he ran in the night, which just strengthened his conviction that they are following the correct lead. After about five minutes, the small shack appeared from among the trees. It was empty, and no one was around.

Hayashi looked around, seeming a bit distressed.

"I don't understand. She should be here somewhere."

"She could just go a bit further when collecting the plants," offered Yahaba.

"Maybe, but she never goes that far away from the village. She doesn't know the forest behind that hill over there. I hope she's not hurt."

"So what now?" asked Kyotani with a scowl focused on Hayashi.

"Should we wait?"

Hayashi was still turning around, looking rather worried.

"I ... I'd feel better if we go look for her. She might be lost and can't get back. Can you help me, please? If we split up, we'll have a much higher chance to find her."

"That's not a good idea," mumbled Kyotani next to him.

Yahaba had to agree, but they really needed the answers. It was also possible the girl knew they will come after her and ran away.

"All right, let's do that."

They all went in different directions. Kyotani was still muttering about how bad idea it was before he reluctantly left Yahaba's side and went on with his search.

Yahaba made his way through the patch of short bushes, moving roughly in line with the village, now hidden behind the trees. He listened carefully for every out of place sound, which could mean a human near him, and checked the branches above him from time to time as they provided perfect spots for an ambush. He knew a few people who paid a high price for not looking up when hunting creatures.

He searched around for about fifteen minutes when he heard a sharp whistle. That was an agreed signal if one of them found anything. He took a deep breath and turned back.

Even from afar, he could see Hayashi by the shack, waving with a piece of paper.

"I found a note, I know where she is!"

Yahaba paused. The note wasn't in the shack, they checked it before, so it must have been in the forest. Why would anyone leave a note for their family somewhere in the forest?

He didn't get the time to think about it though, as at the exact moment Kyotani emerged from among the trees behind the shack, looking absolutely furious. He stormed past Yahaba without even looking at him and headed straight to the village.


The other didn't slow down and continued at a fast pace down the hill. Yahaba looked after him, confused and worried.

"Seems like he's having a bad day," raised Hayashi his eyebrow.

"I'll ... I'll go talk to him. What about your sister?"

"Oh, yeah, I found a note from her nearby. Apparently, she decided to take a detour and will be back by the evening. So, I guess you can see her then."

"Thank you. Now please excuse me..."

He didn't wait for Hayashi's answer and ran after his partner.

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