Chapter 2

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They sat in Oikawa's office, making a report about the work. Oikawa was staring them down with his nose scrunched in disgust as he led his monologue about how they just destroyed his favourite chairs.

Yahaba admitted they smelled like ghúl's guts and probably didn't look best either, but surely Oikawa had encountered similar things during his hunts, right?

"So, care to tell me why are you looking like you just emerged from the sewers? You could at least wash before coming here. I won't be able to get that smell out for weeks!"

Or maybe he didn't. Being an element manipulator apparently had its benefits.

"I'm sorry, Oikawa-san," bowed Yahaba in apology, jabbing Kyotani into the ribs. The other Hunter just huffed.

"I'm not," he grumbled. "We did the job. The monster is dead. The result is important, nothing else matters."

Somehow, Yahaba knew he would say that.

Oikawa frowned at them, sighing in exasperation.

"Well, I guess you are right in one thing, The task is done, and you managed it without too many damages and victims. And it even took you just two days, which is great. Nothing is better than a job well done fast. So, I think you deserve some praise after all. Don't forget to report to Watari for your days off and to collect your reward. Now shoo, get out. You've already dirtied my beautiful office enough."

Yahaba sighed in relief as he slid into a hot spring after finally washing away the gore and smell of the day. He mentally thanked that awesome person who decided the Quarters will be built near a spring.

Closing his eyes, he let his muscles and mind relax, the steam working great to ease the pain in his head. Earlier, he paid a visit to Kunimi, their master Healer with a constant bored expression, to make sure he didn't have a concussion or broken ribs after all. If he did, it would mean another week of medical leave. Fortunately, one healing later, he left Kunimi's office with a diagnosis of a painful but otherwise health-safe hit to the head and bumped ribs that only required a few days of rest. And so he rested as angering Kunimi was a very bad idea. One of their youngest members, Kindaichi, could tell a few stories about that.

He was torn out from his thoughts by the sound of heavy footsteps. He jumped up, opening his eyes, only to see half-naked Kyotani making his way to the spring. That was surprising. Yahaba couldn't recall a single time he saw Kyotani doing anything remotely reminiscent of social interaction in his free time.

Kyotani seemed as surprised finding Yahaba here as the other Hunter was. He looked like he wanted to turn around and run away, but then he just grunted and narrowed his eyes on Yahaba.

"Stop staring."

Yahaba blinked a few times, heat creeping up his face. He suddenly felt very, very exposed under the sharp gaze of the amber eyes.

"Sorry, I just ... I didn't expect you here."

"Well, you may be surprised, but sometimes I need a bath too," huffed Kyotani as he dropped the towel around his waist and entered the water.

Yahaba swallowed hard and promptly turned away, his face turning into a ripe tomato.

He never really thought about it, but Kyotani definitely wasn't bad looking. He was built perfectly for a Slayer, with strong arms and legs and ripped back muscles, he could wield basically any weapon he put his hands on. And his eyes were stunning.

If only he didn't frown so much.

Yahaba cleared his throat, unintentionally turning the other's attention to himself.

"Erm ... have you visited a Healer yet?" he asked into an awkward silence, hoping he can pass his red cheeks as a result of hot water.

"I don't need healing," grumbled Kyotani as he quickly dived under the water to soak his hair.

Yahaba clicked his tongue.

"Why are you so stubborn about not getting healed? You could get injured without even knowing it. You could be bleeding internally right now, for all you know."

"I think I'd already noticed that."

"You are such an idiot," sighed Yahaba loudly and leaned his head on the stone behind him, closing his eyes. "I bet you wouldn't go to the Healer even if you had all bones broken."

There was a while of silence during which Yahaba felt Kyotani's gaze on him. He twitched inwardly. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling in any way, just ... weird, coming from Kyotani of all people.

"Why do you even care?" sounded from the other side of the pool, the gruff voice much softer than usually. Yahaba opened his eyes in surprise. He'd never heard Kyotani speak like that.

But it was a solid question. Why did he care?

"Can't I?" he asked instead.

Kyotani avoided his eyes.

"You would be first," he mumbled quietly.

Yahaba didn't know what to say for a moment. He didn't expect an answer like that.

"That's not true," he offered gently. "Oikawa cares about all of us, and I'm sure Iwaizumi has a soft spot for you. You were his kouhai after all. And no matter what you think, we are all partners here. So yes, I care about you too."

Kyotani measured him, his burning eyes gliding over his face as if searching for hints of lies. Yahaba held his gaze without worry. And then Kyotani smiled. It wasn't a big smile, just the corner of his lips turning slightly upwards, but it was the first real smile Yahaba had seen from him. He quickly turned away, suddenly very interested in the stones around the pool, trying to ignore what it did to his heart, especially after a soft 'whatever' coming from opposite him.

Gods, he was fucked.

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