Chapter 17 part 2

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Yahaba grabbled behind his back, looking for something, anything, to cut the rope on his hands. He squeezed himself to the wall in an attempt to get as much space between him and the doppler as possible. He tried to kick him again, but the other just danced out of his range before grabbing Yahaba's shins and sitting on his legs, preventing Yahaba from moving.

"I really don't want to hurt you," he smiled, visibly amused by Yahaba's struggling. "But you are giving me no choice."

With that, he slowly dragged the blade under Yahaba's collarbone, further down to his chest, cutting his shirt open.

Yahaba hissed, the warm blood tickling on his skin. For once, he regretted how sharp the obsidian blade was.

He flinched when cold fingers ran over his exposed chest, up and down again as if exploring.

He searched his memory for anything he could use. He had only his weak shields, and he couldn't use most of them without drawing the runes first.

His breath hitched in his throat as the sickening hands made their way lower, grabbing onto his thigh.

He tried to buck up his hips to throw the doppler off of his legs, but the man was seated firmly, grinning with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He leaned to Yahaba's ear, his breath ghosting over Yahaba's skin.

"Someone's eager, huh?" he purred, making Yahaba shudder. "I told you you will be mine."

"Get off!" hissed Yahaba, using the moment when the doppler was leaning forward to finally kick the other off.

The doppler rolled to the ground and laughed, his eyes darkening as he slowly got up.

"Oh, I will, don't worry." He grabbed Yahaba's chin, bringing their faces close. "It'll be fun. You'll see, you'll beg for more soon."

A loud bang resonated through the wooden structure as the door opened violently.

"Get away from him!"

Yahaba's heart sped up, recognizing the voice immediately.

A second later, the doppler was thrown away from him by Kyotani, real Kyotani, who stood there with his teeth bared and eyes full of rage.

He quickly turned to Yahaba, cutting the rope around his wrists.

"You ok?" he asked, his face softening.

Yahaba could only nod, too shook up to speak.

Kyotani took in his state with a quick glance, and his eyes flared up. He grabbed his sword and turned to face the doppler, muttering: "Stay behind me." over his shoulder.

Yahaba rubbed the sore skin on his wrists, moving his fingers to get some blood back into them, and nodded, even though he had no intention to stay out of the fight.

The doppler sneered, measuring Kyotani with a spiteful expression.

"Guess I should have killed you when I had the opportunity. I probably relayed too much on your stupidity."

Kyotani put himself into a battle stance, which shielded Yahaba behind him at the same time.

"You won't have any more opportunities," he growled and swung his sword at doppler's head.

The doppler easily dodged and aimed the dagger at Kyotani's side, missing the flesh by a few centimetres, the blade cutting through his leather vest.

Kyotani stepped back, bumping into the table and losing his balance for a second. The other man immediately lunged on the blond, swinging the blade towards Kyotani's upper chest.

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