Chapter 17 part 1

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AN: Not gonna lie, this chapter left me emotionally drained, but I really enjoyed writing it. Yeah, I think I need help.

TW for this whole chapter: 

Physical abuse/violence (not much but still)
(Implied) Attempted sexual assault (why do I always end here? sorry Shigeru, I love you)
Cutting into oneself (not in a self-harming way but just to be sure)


He blinked a few times, slowly waking up. He took a deep breath and immediately regretted it as he coughed and winced at the pain spreading from his chest and head. He tried to move, only to realize his hands are tightly bound behind his back, and his muscles are not really listening to him.

He groaned and unsuccessfully tried to sit up. There was a quiet chuckle, and two hands grabbed his shoulders, helping him to a sitting position.

Yahaba hissed as his head started spinning.

"So you finally woke up."

He flinched at the voice, so familiar and yet so strange sound. He blinked, forcing his eyes to adjust to the surrounding dimness and focus again. Looking around, he recognized the forest shack they visited earlier today. At least he hoped it was today.

He jumped up, finally focusing on the person who spoke. In front of him was Kyotani, sitting cross-legged on the small rug and smiling at him.

"Who the hell are you?" he slurred, his tongue only slowly starting to cooperate. "What did you do to me?"

The other smirked.

"I'm your beloved partner, do you not recognize me?"

Yahaba slowly shook his head, trying to shake off the tiredness that threatened to overcome him again.

"No, you are not. I might still be half asleep, but I'm not dumb. What did you do to me?"

"You just slept for a bit. Nothing serious. Did you know that some animals have a special poison inside of them? It's quite hard to get it because most are scared of extracting it. But if you know how to work with it and do the correct dosage, you can paralyze a person in a matter of seconds. Isn't it fascinating?"

There was something familiar in the way the ... person spoke, but Yahaba couldn't put his finger on it. He leaned his head back on the wall behind him, battling a wave of nausea that hit him.

Fortunately, his brain and muscles seemed to start working again, slowly but surely. Whatever the other drugged him with, it was losing its effect.

"Who are you?" he repeated.

"I told you, your fellow Hunter."

"He wouldn't do this to me."

The man chuckled, leaning forward and resting his chin on his palm.

"But you said all those horrible things to me. It really hurt, you know? Why wouldn't I hurt someone who hurt me?"

"Cut the bullshit. We both know you aren't Kyotani." Yahaba froze, worry spiking in his chest. "What did you do to him?"

The other raised his hands in defence.

"Absolutely nothing. He's happily on his way home."

Yahaba sighed in relief.

At least he's safe.

He fixed his gaze on the other man, his hazed brain trying to put together why he was so familiar.

Now I know it's you [KyouHaba]Where stories live. Discover now