Chapter 16 part 2

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He headed straight into their shack. Kyotani was just packing his things, throwing them into his bag without any order.

"What are you doing?" he asked, taken aback.

"Don't talk to me," growled Kyotani, his voice laced with anger and resentment.

Yahaba flinched as if the other physically hit him. It felt the same.

"Why?" he faltered, shocked by the sudden change in the other's behaviour. "What happened?"

Kyotani turned over his shoulder, teeth bare and eyes burning.

"You are asking what happened? Really?"

"Yes! Because I have no idea what got into you."

Kyotani paused, taking a deep breath.

"I thought I could trust you. I opened up to you, and the first thing you do is to throw it into my face!"


"But I didn't do anything, we-"

"So, it means so little to you you don't even realize?"

Kyotani was now standing in front of him, sneering and with fist balled in anger. Yahaba took an involuntary step back.

"Please, I don't understand what's happening. Just tell me what I did, I'm sorry if I hurt you in some way, I didn't-"

"Did you planned that from the beginning?" the other asked, his voice low and threatening. "Make me trust you and then turn it against me? Did you enjoy it?"

Yahaba's throat tightened as he desperately searched his memories for the reason that could cause the blond to act like that.

"I don't-"

"Did you played the whole thing with Hayashi? Enjoying me protecting you and at the same time wanting to fuck him on the side?"

Yahaba's eyes widened.

"What?! No! Where did you get that from? I'd never-"

"You told me that! Together with how stupid and weak I am and how you could never like someone like me if it was up to you!"

"I never said that! Please, listen, I-"

"I don't know what game you play, but you can stop already. You had your fun, now you can go to that fucker Hayashi when he's so much better than me!"

Yahaba opened his mouth, but no words came out on the first try. He felt like in a horrendous nightmare, just hoping and praying he'll wake up soon and all will be normal again. He tried again, his voice weak.

"Please, let me speak, I swear I'd never hurt you intentionally. I'd never said such things, you have to believe me, I-"

"Oh, just shut up! I did trust you, more than anyone else, and what I got in return?"


"Shut up! Leave me alone! I don't care what you do, but I'm not staying here a minute longer."

With that, he threw the bag over his shoulder and stormed to the door. Before he walked out though, he stopped and took a deep shaky breath, looking straight ahead with his back to Yahaba. When he spoke, his voice was scarily emotionless.

"You know, for a moment, I thought you felt something for me too. I guess I should have known better."

With that, he walked out of the door.

Yahaba stood there for a long while, unable to move or speak. His thought swarmed in his head, confused as much as he was. His vision became blurry as his knees gave up, and he slid down the wall behind him.

It really was a nightmare. But he couldn't wake up from this one.

He hugged his knees and stared ahead, not noticing the wet trails running down his cheeks.


He sat in the same position for hours. But he didn't care. He didn't even notice the sun going down, painting the wooden floor with orange and red.

His mind was blank, no thoughts but one coming to him.

So this is how it all ends? It didn't even begin and it already ended.

He wiped off the last remaining tears from his eyes and sniffed, looking out of the door towards the village. He wasn't sure if the people didn't notice his absence or they just left him alone, but he was glad for it. He didn't have the strength to explain why there suddenly was just one Hunter.


He slowly got up on his shaky legs. He still had work to do, no matter how miserable he felt.

He dug around in his bag, looking for a spare paper to send a message to the Castle. He needed backup as soon as possible.

He started to scribble the characters when he heard a wood creaking behind him. He jumped up and turned around, his heartbeat speeding up when he saw a familiar figure.

"Kyotani?" he breathed, unsure what to expect. "Did ... did you forget something?"

The other man stared at him with a small smile and tilted head.

"Yeah," he spoke up, sending shivers down Yahaba's spine. "I forgot you."


The blond smiled and made a step forward, making Yahaba back away a bit.

"I'm sorry, I overreacted. I shouldn't have shouted at you. I really like you, you know? So, can we, maybe, start again?"

Yahaba frowned. Something about the other was wrong. He took another step backwards.

"O-okay," he hesitated.

The smile. The way he spoke.

The other's smile widened, and Yahaba's blood ran cold.

He reached for his dagger, but the other was faster. As soon as Yahaba turned back, the man blew some black powder in his face. Yahaba coughed, his vision hazing once again. He felt his muscles shaking and slowly giving up as he crumbled on the floor, dropping the dagger from his weakened fingers. He heard footsteps walking towards him and tried to turn his head but couldn't move a finger. The feet stopped right in front of his face and then everything went dark. 

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