Chapter 17 part 3

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"...haba? Yahaba! Come on, talk to me."

Yahaba blinked, looking around him confusedly. He was kneeling in the soft underbrush illuminated by the flames from the burning shack. Kyotani knelt in front of him with a worried expression, his uninjured hand gently cupping Yahaba's cheek.

Yahaba's brain shortcircuited, the sight of Kyotani's face framed by red and orange light being too much.

You look so pretty with the fire around you.

Kyotani frowned, checking Yahaba's head for injuries.

"I guess the hit was harder than I thought."

Oh shit.

"Did...did I say that out loud?"

Kyotani snorted, and Yahaba hid his face in the other's shoulder.

"Oh, gods. Sorry, this is so embarrassing."

"Hey, at least I know you mean it," snickered the blond and lifted Yahaba's face again.

"Still embarrassing," muttered Yahaba before hissing in pain as the cuts on his palms moved.

Kyotani took his hands in his own, rubbing gentle circles into Yahaba's wrists with his thumbs.

"Will you be able to heal it?"

Yahaba assessed the damage he made.

"I think so. I didn't cut too deep."

Kyotani gave him a stern look.

"Don't do that ever again."

"Hey, I didn't have anything else to write the runes with. And it worked, right?"

"Don't. Do that. Ever. Again. Understood?"

Yahaba had to smile.


He whispered soft words to his and Kyotani's hands, starting the healing process, before turning his attention to the slowly dying fire.

"Is he..."

Kyotani followed his gaze and nodded.

"Burned to crisp. Probably for the good you blacked out back there. It wasn't a nice sight."

Yahaba sighed in relief.

"So, it was neither demon nor human. Turns out we both were kinda correct, right? "

"Yeah. Sorry I didn't come sooner."

"I'm glad you came at all... after what happened, I...I thought you were away for good."

Kyotani looked away.

"I'm sorry. I... I should have let you speak. I guess it was easier for me to be angry and blame you for playing games than being heartbroken. I thought about it the whole time I rode and realized you probably weren't playing any games but that you really didn't know what I was talking about. And then it somehow clicked, with the siblings and all. I... I'm so sorry I didn't believe you. If I stayed, he wouldn't get to you, and you would be safe. I should have known he'd try something like that, even if he was human."

Yahaba smiled softly and squeezed his healthy hand, minding his own injuries.

"It's fine. We had no idea we are dealing with Doppelgänger."

"It's not fine. I meant it when I said I trust you more than anyone else, and yet I turned away from you without even listening." He took a deep breath and looked directly into Yahaba's eyes. "Can you... can you forgive me?"

Yahaba gently caressed his cheek.

"Would we be here if I didn't?" he smiled softly before changing into a lightly teasing tone. "Though it did hurt pretty bad, you know? And I was really scared back there in the shack, so maybe you should give me some kind of repay-"

He was interrupted by soft, slightly chapped lips on his own. He blinked in surprise but soon closed his eyes and tilted his head to a better angle, giving the other easier access. He let out a soft moan when a hand tugged on his hair and felt Kyotani smiling into the kiss.

Damn that bastard.

They parted for air, both breathing heavily and their cheeks red. Kyotani tucked a loose strand of hair behind Yahaba's ear.

"What about now, Shigeru?"

Yahaba blushed even harder.

"H-hey, not fair."

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