Chapter 7

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The only interesting thing they learned from an older woman tending her garden. She told them she saw the third victim, a man named Ishii, talking with some other man she didn't recognize the evening he died. They seemed to be on good terms, maybe even friendly, and later entered Ishii's house together, but she couldn't recall if she saw the other man leave.

Yahaba thanked her profusely. They finally had something to work with, even though Kyotani didn't seem very convinced.

"Don't you think you are a bit pessimistic?" asked Yahaba while preparing his equipment for protection rituals.

"I'm just trying not to jump to conclusions," grumbled Kyotani, watching the houses around them with narrowed eyes. "I mean, that woman saw a man she didn't recognize and didn't think it was important? This village doesn't have more than 30 people living here, you'd expect they'd be suspicious of every stranger."

He sighed heavily and massaged his temples.

"Everyone is so preoccupied with their talks about demons they forget people are often worse than any so-called monster we hunt. With which theory we are working now anyway? Considering the way they were killed, it's hard to believe it was a human, but I don't know any demon who would stop for a bit of talk before getting your soul."

"I wouldn't eliminate neither so far," thought Yahaba out loud. "If we do, we could start to overlook things. And we can't say it wasn't any other creature either, though it's probably unlikely."

He collected his notes and chalks and nodded on Kyotani.

"Either way, we should take some precautions, in case it is a demon. Come help me, would you?"

Kyotani rolled his eyes but followed obediently.

They went slowly from house to house, stopping at each of them so Yahaba could perform a Hogo. He worked carefully, drawing every rune with the precision needed for the ritual to work. The spell itself was easy for him as a Cleric, as was any casting that required the use of the Light. It was actually the only talent that set him apart from others and was the reason why Oikawa sent him here. It was the easiest way to defeat a demon, and Yahaba took great pride in the fact he could do at least that much for his partners.

Kyotani followed him around with quiet muttering, glaring at anyone who would be too curious about Yahaba's work. Yahaba snickered under his breath but secretly enjoyed Kyotani's protective aura. It felt like he was looking at a completely new side of the grumpy Hunter, and the thought made Yahaba's insides flutter.

The last house remaining was the same one where the girl went to earlier. Yahaba steps faltered as he came closer, his mind suddenly screaming at him to turn around and leave. He took a deep breath and started to draw the last set of runes on the wood around the windows, whispering words of the Jumon. As soon as he drew the last line, the runes lit up, creating thin lines among each other before disappearing, signalling the Hogo was completed. He then moved to the door, but before he could start, the door opened, revealing a young man slightly taller than Yahaba with short unruly hair and a curious expression on his face. Yahaba had to admit he was particularly handsome and surprisingly well built.

He shook his head to wake up and bowed his head in greetings.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you. We are just making sure the people are protected for the night."

The man's face lit up with a small smile as he measured Yahaba from head to toe.

"Oh, you are the Hunters, right? I was wondering if you are new here. I'd surely remember face as pretty as yours."

Yahaba gasped.

"Yeah, well ... I..." he stuttered, heat creeping up his cheeks.

He felt Kyotani next to him shifting slightly forward, inconspicuously putting himself between him and the man.

"I don't believe we have met before," he growled, throwing eye-daggers on the other. Yahaba eyed him worriedly as Kyotani looked like he wanted to punch the man there and then.

The other male bowed nonchalantly.

"My apologies, how rude of me. My name is Hayashi. I believe you have already talked with my sister."

"We had the pleasure," muttered Kyotani, still burning holes through the other's head.

The man laughed lightly.

"I hope she didn't scare you too much."

"She seemed a bit ... quirky for sure," stated Yahaba carefully, trying not to offend the other male.

"Sorry about that. She doesn't speak much around people. She is usually shut in her room and embroidering. I'm not sure what she told you, but don't really listen to her. She has her own world and sometimes forgets what is real and what is just her imagination."

Yahaba's mood dropped. He hoped they finally found some clues, but now he wasn't so sure.

"Well, thank you for the warning. Still, she said the people that were killed had some secrets. Do you know anything about it?"

The man hummed, looking deep in thoughts.

"It's true there were some ... whispers around the village about Sato, you know, that strong guy who died first. They said he was an army deserter who hid here to escape the execution. And Sahama, the second dead, was apparently ... not really faithful to her husband in the past. But as I said, all those were just rumours. I doubt there is much truth to that."

Yahaba rejoiced inwardly. Maybe they came across something after all. It was a weak lead but lead nonetheless.

"Thank you. You really helped us."

The man flashed him a bright smile.

"I'll be glad to help you with anything else. Just knock at my door," he added with a suggestive wink.

"Y-yeah, sure, I'll remember that."

The man bowed and closed the door behind him, leaving the two Hunters alone.

Yahaba just stood there dumbfounded before a warm hand closed around his wrist and started pulling him away from the house. Yahaba staggered, almost dropping the notes and chalk he held in his other hand.

"What are you doing?" he sputtered, trying to keep pace with the obviously fuming Hunter.

Kyotani just huffed and dragged Yahaba further towards their sleeping shack.

"Come on, talk to me. What has got into you? First, you almost jump on that guy, and now you suddenly start manhandling me."

Kyotani stopped, loosening his grip but still refusing to look at Yahaba.

"I don't like him," he mumbled.

Yahaba raised his eyebrow.

"But why? He seems nice. Much nicer than his sister for sure."

"I don't know. I just ... I don't believe a word he said."

"You are paranoid," chuckled Yahaba softly, earning an offended look from Kyotani.

"Hey! I've never been wrong about my gut feeling. I'm telling you this guy is weird." He paused for a moment and looked away. "And I don't like the way he looked at you."

With that, he resumed his walk, practically running to their shack, not noticing Yahaba behind him turning into a red-faced stuttering mess.


AN: Some explanations:

Hogo - protection (here used as a protection ritual of sorts) - only when using Light, spells of Protectors use a different method (that's more for future reference, there won't be any Protector in action in this work)

Jumon - incantation (any words used in order for ritual/spell to work)

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