Chapter 18 part 1

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"I'm not sure if I should hug you and thank gods you are alive or force you to have a month-long leave for the mess you caused."

Kyotani rolled his eyes for about the hundredth time already, and Yahaba elbowed him to the ribs, even though he was also getting rather tired. They sat in Oikawa's office, listening to his monologue for what felt like an eternity, and it still didn't seem like the Castle leader was running out of things to comment on.

Yahaba almost started to miss the quiet village.

They left quite early in the morning after they finished with the doppler. They waited in the forest until the fire extinguished itself enough they were sure the forest won't catch on fire too.

They didn't speak much, mainly because Yahaba spent most of the time sleeping on Kyotani's lap to get over the lingering effects of whatever drug the doppler used on him, wrapped in the blond's spare clothes as his own shirt was beyond salvation and the night was cold. He had to smile at the memory of Kyotani's fingers playing with his hair.

They then reported to the village leader, who immediately spread the message that the 'demon' won't do any more harm. To say the villagers were shocked after they found out the 'demon' was, in fact, a shapeshifter and also one of them would be an understatement.

They still weren't sure how exactly 'Hayashi' got to the houses of his victims, but judging from what he told Yahaba, they supposed he shifted into the person who was returning the next day before drugging them with the same powder he used on Yahaba. Why or where he kept their hearts was still a mystery, but the old man promised he'll take care of it. And with that, they bided their farewells.

Their way back was fortunately uneventful, and going down the mountains, they arrived at the Castle before dusk. Right by the gate, they were greeted by Matsukawa and Hanamaki throwing smug glances at them. Kyotani just growled in their direction like always, and Yahaba decided it wouldn't be wise to fuel any of their theories and egos and ignored them, earning an offended gasp from both of them.


He glanced to the side at Kyotani, who looked like he was going to fall asleep anytime soon and chuckled. Oikawa cleared his throat, turning their attention back to him like the drama queen he was.

"So, as I was saying before you both rudely decided to stop listening, your reward will be cut down for the mess you made. But! Because you had to deal with a rare creature, moreover a rather sinister one, without proper information, your reward will be raised by the Headquarters itself. It's just a pity you didn't bring any proof. The Castle never dealt with Doppelgänger before."

He sounded genuinely disappointed, and Kyotani raised an eyebrow at him.

"I mean, if you want, there is a crispy baked doppler in the village. You can go there, I'm sure they will gladly give it to you."

Oikawa threw an offended look at him.

"No, thank you. Though I bet the Neko Quarters would pay a nice amount to get their hands on doppler corpse."

"You owe money to Kuroo again, don't you?" smirked Yahaba, making Kyotani snort and Oikawa gasp.

The leader muttered something about betrayal that had been graciously left unheard and shooed them out of the office to rest. But before that, he asked Kyotani to stay a bit longer. Yahaba nodded as a sign he will be waiting outside.

He leaned on the railing overlooking the whole Castle and breathed in the fresh air the Castle always had thanks to the numerous trees planted around the complex. It was different from the air in the village, freshness mixed with the nice smell coming from the kitchen and residues of gunpowder from the shooting range where Gunslingers trained, and Yahaba had to admit he missed it.

It seemed like everyone was also back from their hunts, as he could hear Hanamaki's voice pestering poor Kindaichi again, followed by an occasional deep grumble of Iwaizumi's voice telling him off. He smiled, feeling at home again.

The door behind him opened and out came Kyotani, looking deep in thoughts.

"What did he want?"

Kyotani gently nudged his shoulder.

"I'll tell you later. I need to think it over."

"All right. Ehm ... Kyotani?" he called after the blond. "We should know, about us ... and stuff."

Kyotani watched him for a moment before smirking and walking down the stairs.

"Sure, I'll be there later."

"Be where?" he called but the blond Hunter already disappeared behind the wall. He groaned in frustration.

Damn this bastard!

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