Chapter 3 || New friend?

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School, again. It's gym class and all the girls are standing gawking at the boys, I get it they're cool when they play dodgeball, but non of them are hot enough for me to really care. Not that they're ugly but you get it. Kusuo's in one of the teams, he will probably get out of the game fast to not get so much attention on him.

A guy with maroon hair and an extreme spirit throws himself after a lost ball and gets it in last second. Gliding against the gravel his pants getting pulled down.

I turn around when I recognize who he is, it's the guy that ran into me. I feel my anger getting up again so I walk over to one of the benches and sit down, blocking out everything in my mind trying to calm down to not start a fight.

It's fine, it's all fine. Right I was supposed to apologize for hurting his feelings. I look up and set my gaze at my target, which is spitting blood?

Did he get that hurt, I should go and see if he needs help either way. And that's an excuse to be able to apologize. Yes that's a great plan!

I walk over, Kusuo staring me down as I stand behind the bench which this guy is sitting on. 'What's his name?' I ask Kusuo in my mind. 'hairo.' Alright now I know his name just gotta set this plan to work and hope for the best. Damn this is a bad idea.

"Hey are you okey?" I ask leaning at the fence that's between us.

He turn around getting face to face with me, that's close okey.

"Yeah I'm totally fine!" He says giving me the most wholesome smile, wow he's kinda cute not gonna lie.

"Oh, okey. I'm sorry by the way." I say looking at Kusuo trying to get a hint at what Hairo is thinking.

Kusuo is looking the other way when I look at him, that bitch.
"What are you sorry for? It wasn't your fault that I fell." He says looking at me in a curious way.

"No I mean for yesterday, when I told you to shut up when I fell. I'm sorry I said that." I avoid his eyes trying to not make it awkward. Why did I have to sound so stiff when I said that.

"Oh it's fine. I had already forgotten about that sorry." He says putting one hand on his neck.

Oh yeah, maybe I though he took it personal when he didn't. And I who thought I was good at reading peoples feelings. Apparently I was really wrong.

"Yeah sorry for bothering you, I'm gonna go bye!" I say and run away from there.

God damn I embarrassed myself there, and saying sorry when I didn't have to. He just forgot about me. Why! And me who though about it all of last night. I was even mean to Kusuke. God damn this Hairo goes on my nerves. Or I'm just a moron. Or maybe both. I gotta talk to Kusuo about this later.

I run without looking ahead of me just looking at my feet trying to get away from all that, that's when I run into someone.

I fall to the ground and now I'm pissed, like what the fuck I'm not a clumsy person but the universe seems to have wanted me to become one. I look up in pure rage ready to fight the person in front of me. But it's a beautiful girl sitting in front of me. It's almost like it's shining around her, like she's an angel or something.

She look up at me with big blue eyes is there nothing that's ugly about her. Like I'm not ugly but she is literally flawless. It creeps me out a bit.

"Oh I'm so sorry here let me help you up." she says standing up. Weird I'm not mad anymore. That really creeps me out.

"Yeah no it's fine." I say standing up like in a daze, I shake my head to get my thoughts straight.

"Are you new, I don't seem to recognize you?" She says

"Eh yea my name's y/n Saiki." I say, finally regaining my senses.

"Oh my name is Kokomi Teruhashi." She says giving me a kind smile. Huh I wonder if I'm making a friend here?

That's when I remember.

"Oh shit!"

"What is it?" She says worried

"I forgot I was in the middle of class when I stormed of, sorry gotta go! See ya later!" I say running back. Hopefully no teacher noticed I was even gone.

So a little author's note here, I just want to say sorry for not uploading so often but that I'm gonna try getting a better uploading schedule. And that I listened to Lovejoy while writing this. Goodbye and hope I see you later. Have a lovely night/day!

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