Chapter 6 || Why

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Okey calm down, calm down y/n. You're sitting at a resturant with a really cute boy and some friends, it's fine, it's not a date so it's fine.

"Hey y/n what do you want?" Kaido asks dragging me out of my panicked self state.

"Oh I can take some f/f." I answer, alright I'm fine.

"So y/n are you in any club?" Hairo says making me snap my head at him, kinda forgot this was real life.

"No not yet, but I'm not sure if I want to be in any either way." I wasn't planing on being in any club since none of them particaly interested me.

"Really! Not even a sports club like tennis or football?" Hairo seems really shocked over the fact that I'm not in any club, he must be in a club.

"How about you Hairo, are you in any club?" I like saying his name, it's nice.

"Yeah I'm in the tennis club. It's a lot of fun you should try it sometime, the girls team is really good, and you always need to show what you can and make sure to do your best!" He has a determined expression on his face with his fist hold tight in front of it. Like he's ready for anything.

I start laughing at his expression, it's really cute how determined he is sometimes.

"Huh? What are you laughing at y/n?" Hairo asks now with a confused face, he really is cute isn't he. It's almost like I'm catching feelings. Wait. No. No, no, no. I can't do that. Not now. Not him. No.

I stand up in a haste to get away from there. Away from these crazy thoughts. First now I realize I stopped laughing abruptly and just stood up. I must have confused all of them, need an explanation.

"Umm. I just remembered that I promised to watch the house tonight and need to be home before my parents leave." That was pretty bad but they aren't that smart so maybe it will work.

"What about Saiki isn't he home?" Kaido asks, shit, something new fast.

"He's scared of the dark so I gotta be there." I'm so sorry Kusuo but I have no other choice.

"Soo I gotta go bye!" I rush out of there, a cold breeze hits me when I get outside, I should have brought a jacket, winter is closing in and here I am in a short skirt and a short sleeve. Stupid.

If I walk fast I'll maybe get warm. And it's probably twenty minutes home, fuck I gotta go buy some coffee jelly to. And the day was going great, really it's all these feelings fault. Maybe Kusuke got some weird machine to help. He's smart, or maybe I can ask Kusuo to zap them away.

"Hey! Y/n wait up!" No that's the source of the problem. Oh hell no.

I start speeding up ignoring him hoping he'll give up. Please I can't handle you now and I don't want to be rude. So please, please I beg you leave me alone. But of course he won't. That's Hairo for you.

"Y/n are you alright?" He asks, I refuse to look at him, I just need to think, that's all. Just give me some time.

"Yes, as I said I need to be home fast or Kusuo will worry." I say it as politely as possible but I know I just sound cold. That's how it always have been.

"But are you sure you should go alone, it's dark outside and you might get lost." He sounds worried but I still won't look at him.

"Hairo I said it's fine, just go back." I feel awful, I dont want to hurt you but I can't do this.

"But just let me hel.."

"NO Hairo just leave me alone I don't need you!" I yell at him now turning and seeing him eye to eye.

Why. Why.

He looks at me with wide open eyes. No, please no.

And then he smiles with the same smile as ever, but I see somethings wrong it's not hard to see and it's all my stupid fault.

"Oh, alright sorry, guess I'll see you later." He turn away from me and walk back.

What have I done, I snapped again. How could I. I hate myself. I'm such an awful person. I should just go after him, hug him and say I didn't mean what I said. But even if I didn't mean to sound so harsh I do want to be left alone. That's why I turn away from Hairo and slowly makes my way home.

Sorry this is such a short chapter but I feel it's more important to post regularly than to basically never post. I will try to post at least once a week but I'll see how that will go. Alright have a lovely day/night!

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