Chapter 5 || Ramen?

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It's school again, thank god I'm not late this time. Me and kusuo are on the way to class walking down the hallway. By the way this is a really pretty school like everything is so clean and light and nice!

"Soo Kusuo I've been thinking about something a couple days now." If he has listened to my thoughts the last days he probably already know but have just been ignoring me.

Right when we are about to turn a corner Kusuo stops and puts up a hand to stop me to. What's this about? I look past his shoulder and there HE is! Hairo, how do I always run into him. Okey it's not that big of a school but still. Well this time I didn't literally run into him.

He is with some girl helping her carry some box full of stuff, I don't know why but I don't like her. I mean I get it, that box looks heavy but doesn't she have any muscles, I feel like going there and just grabbing the box from Hairo and show that I am strong. Not that I'm really that strong and would've probably given up in like five seconds, but still you have to show that you're a strong woman. At least I can pretend I am.

'Hairo is kind of annoying but he still gets the class together pretty good.' Kusuo says standing pretty awkward at the corner I hope that Hairo doesn't see me. But I kinda does at the same time.

Now he's making the girl take some steps before he takes the box. Poor girl not her fault that she had to carry that box if she can't handle it he should just take it. But I suppose I have really splitt thought today huh.

Now that I actually listen to what Hairos talking about he says. "Now it's time to push myself, I'm gonna carry it the rest of the way while doing bunny hopps!"


Wait i didn't imagine him doing bunny hopps! Is he a masochist or something!

And that's not all, all the other people there start following him jumping bunny hopps them to. What the fuck. I really don't get this, like why is everyone so happy and enthusiastic? Over training or what?

I start following him hiding in doorways, not that I'm scared that he will see me, or that I am following like some creepy stalker or something. I just want to know where he's goings. Yeah I just want to see if he can make it. Yeah, yeah that's right.

He and the rest of the class makes it all the way to the teachers lounge. Hairo really did it, impressive, he must be like, really strong, like really. And he does have very muscular arms.

I peek out from a corner trying to see where he's going and there he is, right in front of me, nose to nose now. Oh shit.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know you where there!" I say freaking out, please say you didn't notice me following!

"Oh hello y/n did you see us before!" He says giving me that really pretty puppy smile. I freeze. And my legs stop working. I try to walk but that didn't work. Yep my legs don't work, fuck. I fall against the wall trying to look cool and not at all like my legs stopped working because he's there! He just stands there looking at me.

What should I do! What should I do!

"Do you want to go eat some ramen after school?" I basically scream out, wait no, that's not what I meant to say. No, no, no. He'll hate me for just screaming at him like that!

"Oh, uh yeah sure that sounds nice." He first looks surprised but then he smiles at me again.

"Yeah well like Nendo and Kaido said that they might wanted to eat some and well I though why not invite you to, or well yeah." I say looking anywhere but at his face.

"Sure sounds good I love ramen so I will see you after school then?"

"Yeah see ya." Thank god my legs work again I think as I speed walk away from there.

Oh my f god I just did that, I just asked him out basically, alright so it's with other people and I did it as a panic thing, but I'm really happy about it. Oh I hope that Nendo and Kaido will go with me on this, I didn't really think it through and just decided to say that they were coming with, shit I gotta find them.

After my lesson I run out in the corridor trying to find them.

'Why are you trying to find those people?'

I turn around to my brother.

"Thank you universe." I say under my breath.

"Kusuo please help me find Kaido and Nendo!" I plead ready to give whatever to have him to help me.

'Depends, what do I get out of this?' He asks without a sign of showing any kindness on his face.

"You get to know that you helped your dear sister with her big problem." I hope this works.

'No.' He says turning around walking away.

"No wait Kusuo I can get you something better. How about I buy you some coffee jelly?"

'Fine I'll help you.'

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I say jumping around him in a circle like a child.

'Kaido is down in the hallway and I belive he is talking to Nendo.'

"Aaahh thanks gotta go I'll buy you that coffee jelly tonight. Bye see ya later!" I run down the hallway and see Kaido and Nendo. Thank god Kusuo can read minds otherwise I would have been screwed!

"Hey guys!" I say waving at them as I run up to them.

"Oh hi y/n what's up?" Kaido says

"I was just wondering if you guys wanted to go for some ramen with me and Hairo?" Please say yes!

"Yeah, I'd love to go for some ramen with my best pals sister." Nendo says, Kaido nodding.

We start walking towards the entrance where we will meet up with Hairo. I'm so nervous I hope I look alright not that I really care what I look like with him it's just that it's polite to not look like trash. But I probably look alright so it's probably fine.

I see him before he sees us. He stands there looking out at the school yard, he doesn't smile but it doesn't look like he's sad. He looks calm.

He's really lovely.

"Hey Hairo!" Nendo yells at him pulling him out of his thoughts and running towards us.

I wonder what he was thinking about.

"Hey guys are you ready for some ramen!" He says in a enthusiastic voice, lotta energi again right.

"Hi Hiaro." I say meeting his eyes, the bandage he got on his nose makes him look really cutesy.

"Hi y/n, btw thanks for inviting me!" He says with his eyes basically beeming.

"No prob let's go."

A bit of a longer chapter today, I hope you liked it. I try to update like ones a week or something like that. And thank you for 140 reads I never thought it would get this many reads. The thing with the legs that stopped working happened one time when I saw my crush and I though I'd add it to the story. Oh well have a wonderful day!

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