Chap 7 || Hairo

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It's been a week now. And I haven't spoken a word to Hairo since that night. It's gotten cold outside and you can see your breath in the air when you're outside. Inside the school it has also gotten pretty cold, I heard that Hairo made a classroom warm just by projecting body heat yesterday. It's impressive that a human being can do that. Then this world is impressive in many ways, just the fact that I got a psychic for a brother is pretty impressive. Though right now I won't be impressed with him, since he's being an asshole!

"Why can't you just spy on him for one short second, just look at what he thinks when I walk by or something!" I scream at my imbecile of a brother.

'y/n I told you I don't want to have anything to do with your teenage love drama.' He says, for the fifth time this week, I've been asking him this whole week but it's always the same answer.

"But then what should I do!" I scream at him, can't he understand how I feel

'I don't care what you do, just don't involve me.' He turns away and slams the door in my face, that bitch, he's gonna get it someday. Or not since he's basically an indestructible being.

God damn it, why can't I have psychic abilities like my brother, or at least be smart enough to figure my own feelings out.

Oh well I gotta go or I'll be late again. I take my shoes and head out the door. It's super cold out, but a beatiful blue sky, and I wish that I would have brought a pair of warmer shoes to Japan. All of my winter shoes are still in England, I gotta ask Kusuke to send them over soon. I don't really have the money to buy a new pair. Then I can ask him to send over some clothes to, I'm running low on good looking warm clothes. I basically only have summer clothes with me here.

When I arrive at school I'm not late for once. I walk in and have my morning classes. At lunch I sit alone in the hallway next to some drink dispensers. Teruhachi sits down beside me, the girl I met like last week or something. She's really pretty, like usual it's weird to not see her with her friends, or the ones I usually see her hang out with at least.

"Hi y/n, how are you doing?" She says, her voice is really soft I've heard she even got her own fan-club.

"Oh I'm doing fine, thanks. How are you?" I wonder if she can give some tips how to deal with these feelings I've been having.

"I'm great!" You look kinda troubled, are you alright?" She asks, it's sweet of her to be concerned.

"Oh I do? No not really just some school work." I don't want her to worry about me, it's awful having anyone worring about you.

"Oh alright, well tell me if it is something."

Of course, I tell her but why would I really. That would only make everything harder.

The day went by fast and I'm soon on my way home.




How did I even manage to forget my whole bag at school, I'm running back to school to go get it. And there he is sprinting towards the school gates as well. He looks up and we get eye contact, that's when the first snowflake touches the ground. I have stopped in my tracks and am just standing there. As the ground gets white with a thin layer of snow looking so delicate. He has also stopped, and our eyes meet, he's red-brown eyes still have that strong look. But I know he doesn't understand how I feel. And that's because I haven't shown it. I have never even wanted to realize it myself.

I really like Hairo.

So a bit of a shorter chapter today. Hope you liked it. Byeeeeee!

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