Chap 17 || Girls night

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Is has been a few days since my screaming match with Hairo. We haven't really talked about it and I have to be honest I've avoided him. Mostly because it's so awkward and I really don't know what to do! I mean how am I supposed to approach it, I really should apologize but I don't know how to. I can't just go up to him an be like 'sorry for calling you oblivious since you didn't get that I'm in love with you.' You know I can't do that. I'm going to, soon, but not now.

I just got home from school but today I have something to look forward to, me and the girls are gonna have a sleepover at Teruhashis house. I've really been looking forward to this so it's gonna be a lot of fun. Apparently she lives in a mansion so that's cool.

I haven't been on a sleepover since I was way younger, like preschool before I moved to England. So to have a sleepover in high school is like a once in a lifetime experience!

"Kusuo! Do you know where my phone charger is?" I'm packing right now, I was going to leave in two minutes but I don't want my phone to die and without my charger it will.

'find it yourself'

"Please help me, I'm gonna be late and you can find it in like a second!"

'fine, it's in your laundry basket'

"Thanks! By the way there was something I had to talk to you about but right now I don't remember it so we'll talk about it tomorrow when I get home! Bye"

I run out the door, Teruhachi lives a bit away from me but if I speedwalk I'll be there in twenty.

I arrive at Teruhachis house, it's this huge mansions with a stone wall around it.

"Wow! It looks like something out of a movie." I go up and ring the bell.

"Yes?" Someone says from inside.

"Hello I'm y/n and here for Teruhachi."

"What do you want with my sister?"

"I'm here for a sleepover?" Who is this guy?


The big metal gate opens and I walk up to the house, the door open and some dude with sunglasses is standing there. He looks about my age maybe a few years older.

"So you're here for my sister then?" He says, I feel like I recognize him but I don't know from where, maybe he just looks like Teruhashi.

"Um, yeah she invited me to a sleepover so I'm here now." He's kinda weird.

"What's your full name?" What is this dudes problem? Why does he need my name?

"Y/n Saiki."

"Wait are you related to that pesant Kusuo Saiki!" I don't feel like he likes my brother very much.


"Oh alright then, well, come inside."

"Thanks..." Such a weird dude.

"Kokomi one of your friends is here!" He totally changed his tone, not gonna lie that's kinda impressive.

Teruhashi runs downstairs, grab my arm, and run upstairs with me. It's this big stairwell, super cool, looks expensive. Teruhachi is already wearing a pajamas, a blue silk set with long pants and a button up. Even her pajamas is fancy, I only brought a pair of bagy shorts and a t-shirt that I think is Kusuos I took it just because it was clean.

Teruhashis room is like that from a princess fairytale, but a bit classier. It's big with wooden floor and white walls, in the middle is a huge bed with fabrics draping over it. The walls are filled with art and there are big windows on the opposite wall to the bed. Mera and Yumehara are already, here sitting on a fluffy carpet on the floor.

"Hi guys!" I say sitting down between Yumehara and Mera.

"Y/n now that you're here we can really get this started!" Yumehara says clasping her hands together.

"So you guys got anything planed for tonight?"

"Totally, girl talk!!" Yumehara says.

"And lots of food!" Mera continues stuffing her mouth full with popcorn.

"Y/n we know that you've had a hard time with Hairo lately right?" Teruhachi says patting my arm like she feels bad for me, understandable since I've basically been dissed twice but without a real answer.

"Well I'm not sure, I kinda had a screaming match with him the other day, and he said that no girl likes him so I got kinda mad."

"What? Why?"

"Well since he called me pretty before that, and then he said that he don't want to make a mistake and like someone that doesn't like him. I don't know if he's like totally oblivious or like someone else maybe?"

"So he said he doesn't want to like someone who don't like him right?"

"Yeah, and so what, who could that be?" Probably Teruhashi, she's so beautiful and kind and overall amazing.

"You don't get it, do you?" Teruhachi continues. I'm really confused what is she trying to say.

"What do you mean I really don't get what you're trying to say?"

"It's obvious! Try thinking y/n." Yumehara says, so she knows too, but knows what.

"I really don't get it what's going on?"

"It's not that complicated, Hairos in love with you." Mera says.

Hairo. In love. With me? No, no, no, that can't be right. Is it? I shouldn't get my hopes up. But if all of them think that he's in love with me! Maybe, yes I'll settle for a maybe!

"Wait are you guys serious, you really think so!"

"I mean the signs point to that, he probably think that you only see him as a friend and don't want to admit his feelings since it could destroy your friendship. And he's kinda dumb so yeah."

"Then what should I do! Should I tell him what I think of him right away or wait a little, maybe I should call him? No that's probably not a good idee, maybe wait to tomorrow and say at school. Or mayb..."

"Hey y/n take it easy, don't stress it, how about you say it in the right moment, and is very clear about your feelings so he can't misinterpret what you mean again."

I get flashbacks to when I tried confessing last time, makes me shiver at the mere though.

"Alright yes, the right time, that should be fine, I'll be able to do it, I'm sure! This time I can't fail, not again."

"Okay let's make up the ultimate plan!" Yumehara says with a determined fist up in the air.

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