Chap 8 || Winter

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After my sudden realization, what did I do? Did I run up to him saying that I'm sorry and explaining everything, or maybe did I just kiss him. No, I didn't do any of these. I turned around, and ran away.

Like What The Actual Fuck!

I just got the myself understanding that i like him, accepting it and stopping trying to hide my feelings for myself. And I just run away. Just like the loser I am.

Why I did that, I have no idea. But today I will apologize to him. Yes that's what I have to do!

"Y/n honey, school starts soon. Are you up?" Mom yells at me from downstairs. I'm out the door before she tries to make me wear some stupid warm hat. Not that i have anything against hats, it's just that the hat mom tries to make me wear itch like crazy, so I'm not wearing that.

"Bye mom!" I yell back as I start my way towards school. And a new life that sounds kinda corny doesn't it?

I have it all planed out. First I have to apologize to Hairo and explain everything, I don't think I can tell him I like him just yet. That just seems a bit to much. But I'm going to, someday at least.

I arrive at school in time, my bag is already here since I forgot it last time. I sprint over the school yard and quickly change my shoes to the indoor ones. I need to find Hairo before I loose all my confidence. I can do this, alright! I speed walk the halls, looking in into every classroom to make sure I don't miss him.

"Oh hi y/n, your early for once." It's kaido, yes alright he can help me find Hairo.

"Kaido! I need your help, can you search for Hairo with me?" I ask clasping my hands together, please say yes.

"Yeah sure. Why do you want to find him either way?" He asks.

"I'll explain later, let's go." I say grasping his hand draging him with me.

"Okey if you go that way Kaido I go this way!" I'm going to find Hairo!

"Alright see ya here in ten minutes, if I find Hairo I'll take him here." Kaido says walking away.

I go around asking people if they have seen Hairo, he's got so much of a spirit I'm sure someone must have seen him.

I don't find him, like really how hard can it be, everyone I've asked haven't seen him either. How hard can it be. It's been 10 minutes and I see Kaido walking through the halls toward our meeting point, alone. We'll be late if we don't go to class now and he doesn't seem to have seen him either.

"I'm sorry y/n, I was gonna use my powers to find him but I'm afraid I'm being watched by the dark reunion so I can't do that." He says with his head down. He's so sweet, though i wonder if he really believes in the dark reunion. I always play along but I hope he doesn't go crazy believing it and doing something stupid. Like murder or some shit like that.

"No I totally understand, it's alright, I'll just find him later." Who knows, maybe he's avoiding me, I'll just go search for him later.

The day continues on slowly, and I'm just longing for lunch so I can go find him, I've come up with the idea that it's better to apologized to him at lunch. Then I'll have more time and can explain for real. Not that I'll tell him I like him, I'm not that brave. But I'll tell him that I'm sorry and just was in a weird mood and didn't know how to react to some information I had gotten. That information being that I kinda realized that I liked him is not something he'll get to know. At least not know. I'll want him to like me first, but I don't think that will ever happen. But I can always hope. Like who wouldn't like me. Then no one has ever confessed to me, and I've never had a boyfriend. But then, they just have bad taste and don't understand how beautiful I am. Oh well.

It's finally lunch, now I just need to find Hairo, I run to his classroom but he's not there. God damn it, has he gone to the cafeteria maybe? I have to find him, I need to do this before I come to my senses.

I don't find him. The bell rings but I'm still searching. That's when I see a familiar pink head.

"KUSUO!" Please help me dear brother.

'i was hoping you wouldn't notice me.' He says, well more like says telepathically.

"Please Kusuo give your dear little sister some help and tell me where Hairo is!" I beg of him, really ready to go down on my knees begging.

'he's not here, some other student said he was home sick.' He says before walking away.

He's sick? Oh no, then I won't be able to apologize to him, no, no, no. Why did it take me so long to decide to apologize, I'm so stupid. Why do I have to be so useless.


No wait I have an idea.

What if I go and check on him. Yes that's the perfect idea! I get to see him and apologize and I get to take care if him. I can go see with the class press in his class if I can bring him his assignments. That's a reason to go see him, and I'll need to go by a store to so that I can buy some medicine. I've also heard that citrus fruit should be good for you if your sick. Cool I have a plan. But now I'm late for class. I run back to class. I'll have to get the plan going after school. I just want school to end!

I'm finally out of this hell hole and on my way to Hairo. I got the printouts and some medicine, as well as some weird citrus fruit the lady at the store said would be good. I hope he's not to sick.

I stop I my tracks. What if he don't want me to apologize, or that he doesn't accept my apology. What if he don't want anything to do with me. Maybe he's not even going to let me in to talk to him. I have already been mean to him so many times. He probably don't want anything to do with me anymore.

I'm going to start crying if I think like this. Bring yourself together y/n, you don't have a choice but to go. You'll at least have to give him the school work. And he maybe won't let me in but he can take the medication I bought. Or he won't. It's fine. No turning back now!

I go through the gate, towards the beige, two story house. It looks like a normal house, like all of the others on the street. It's pretty, and have a couple bushes covers in snow on the front yard. It's a beautiful winter day. Snow in November. It's nice. When i lived with Kuske it would snow a lot at winter but it always melted and became a weird snow-rain kinda weather. That wasn't as nice. Here, it's a fluffy layer of snow covering every part of the city. Making it look like a big nice bed. It's peaceful, even if I can hear the big street from here, it's nice. I take a deep breath and puches the doorbell.

No answer.

Okey so that's another chapter out. I want to thank you for the comments and the stars (don't really know what they are called). Sorry if I made a cliffhanger but I just thought this chapter got a bit to long. I will post the next chapter shortly and probably even before another week has passed. So I'll see you next time<3

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