Chap 10 || Schooltrip (part 1)

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Everything is great! I've made up with Hairo, we are having a schooltrip and me and Kusuo are friends again.

Like what could go wrong.

Thats when the speakers call out "Due to hurricane, the ten o'clock flight to Okinawa has been delayed." The womans voice says.

What no, seriously why!

"Oh that's not good." I hear from behind me, I turn around and there's Hairo, I really hate seeing him down. And when I look around everyone has the same expression on there face.

Kaido pretends everything is fine, but you can see he's in despair. So is the rest of the class. Total despair.

"Hey Kusuo." I whisper, trying to grab my brothers attention.

'I noticed it too, everyone are crushed.'

Alright as long as he knows this have to be fixed soon.

"Don't give up everyone! It's not over yet!" Hairo yells, he's voice sounds tragic, like it's about to break. "Come on sun! You can do it!"

I feel so bad for him.

"Hairo..." I go up to him reaching out my hand.

"Hey why aren't you joining me?" He yells at the rest of the class.

"Yeah let's join maybe it will work?" I tell them, please Kusuo do something.

"Y/n let's do this." He grabs my hand and marches up to the window chanting on, with me this time.

Him holding my hand gives me butterflys.

"Hey the plane can go after all!" Some guy yells.

Everyone hooray and Hairo lifts me up spinning around. Wow this is amazing I'm so happy he's happy.

"I'm sorry y/n but I'm just happy!" He says after realizing what he's doing.

"Oh no it's fine, I'm happy that your happy!" I say waving my hands in front of me.

That really made my heart flutter, I'm sure you can see it. I really like him. I think this trip is gonna be good, I have to do everything to get him to like me back.

We are finally at the plane to Okinawa, I've been waiting for this for so long and I'm really exited for it, I can barely sit still in my seat.

I'm sitting at the window, behind Nendo, Kaido and Kusuo. Next to Hairo and some other guy. I've flown before so I'm not scared or anything and if we crash we have Kusuo so he will probably save us all.

Hairo is looking out the window like a child.

He's always so adorable, I'm looking forward to this trip like crazy. I just hope nothing bad happens. Please. Let me have a good time with...

"Hairo." It comes out as a whisper.

"Yeah, what is it y/n?" He turns to look at me.

You know when you have such a huge crush on someone you just want to throw yourself at them but at the same time run away. Yeah? That's what I'm feeling now!

"Oh sorry I was just in thought I didn't notice I called your name."

"Oh that's fine I like it when you say my name, what were you thinking of?" He says casually.

How can he say something like that so casual, he said he likes it. Likes it! Man I'm down bad for this boy.

"I was just wondering if you want to hang out in Okinawa?" This is scary.

"Yeah I thought we already had that planed, or maybe I didn't bring it up to you?"

He's thinking about me!!

"That's good, totally." I answer, trying to sound unbothered.

"Yeah, exactly, I think I told you. You, me, Saiki, Nendo, Kaido, Mera and Yumehara. And then if Teruhashi wants to join in to that would be great. The more the merrier you know!"

I feel a bit disappointed, but I should have understood that he was thinking of a of us as a group. Well I have barely talked with Yumehara or Mera so that can be a fun thing.

"Well yes of course. The more the merrier! Right..." I look out the window trying to get away from  this conversation. Hairo just seems to accept that and goes back to looking out the window.

Just have to make the best of it, at least I can show of at the beach tomorrow.


The plane lands after kinda almost crashing or some shit, I don't know, I was sleeping. Kusuo just took care of it so it's fine.

We are going to stay at this really nice hotel, it's really big with a lot of floors. I'm going to share a room with some of the girls. I wonder if they can get me advice without me accidentally telling them who I like? Even if they are kind I don't feel ready to tell them, I have a tendency if telling everyone and the person I like finding out.

It's soon night and I'm sitting at the dinner table with Hairo, Teruhachi, Kusuo, Yumehara and well all the others, don't have the time to count all of them up do I?

"Y/n, the girls are thinking of having a girls night and telling secrets and stuff, what do you say, you on?" Yumehara wispers to me.

This is exactly what I was hoping for! I mentally fist bump fate and answer with a quick nod.

This is great, after dinner me and the girls go up to our room, but before we play any games or have our girl night everyone takes there bath and gets dressed in nightclothes. I'm just wearing some t-shirt and some old knee-long shorts. They comfy as f*ck though.

"Okay so any gossip!" Yumehara starts.

"Well I've heard that a girl from class a is together with someone that's in college!"

"Wait really! Well I've hear that there is a discount on fish at the market in town tomorrow!!" Mera says excited.

That's adorable how happy she sounds talking about food.

"Okey but does any of you have a crush?" Teruhachi says sweetly.

Alright this is my chance.

"Well there is this one boy." I start.

"Wait really!!!!" Yumehara basically jumps me.

"Eh yeah. Well he's really kind and basically always happy, but I feel like we've had like these kind of moments before you know. But I'm scared he only sees me as a friend though."

"Well that's tricky you have to make sure he knows you don't see him as just a friend." Yumehara answers me, I'm thankfull that I get help for once.

"How do you do that?"

"Well you flirt with him a lot and make sure to say stuff like, yeah I don't actually see you as a friend but like low key."

"Huh?" I don't get it, am I slow.

"Well your talking about Hairo right?" Yumehara says.

Wait how do you know that.

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