Chap 9 || Sick

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I can't give up that easily, he's gotta answer. Maybe he's just sleeping. I have to try again! I press the doorbell, I hear the sound of it going of inside again. And that's when I hear footsteps approach the door. I quickly jumps back when it opens.

It's a woman standing there. She got the same hair as Hairo, that maroon color. I wonder if she's Hairos mother. She's very pretty and wearing business clothing. A pair of black dress pants and a white shirt.

"Well hello, who are you?" She's got a strong voice, but sounds kind.

"Hello. I'm one of Hairos" What should i call myself, a friend? "friends?" I end up saying that, and I don't even think he sees us as friends. But i don't really have the energy to explain my relationship with Hairo to his mother right now.

"Oh but don't stand out there in the cold. Come in, come in!" I like her, she's nice. I like nice people.

I go into Hairos house. It looks very normal, not that I expected anything else, but since Hairos so obsessed with training and stuff I thought that would be reflected in his home.

"Hairos upstairs, the first door on the right. Take care now!" She says going into the kitchen.

Wait I have to go there myself, what if he's sleeping, or what if I walk into the wrong room. Wait was it on the left or right. It was the first door to the right. I think? Okey. I can do this.

I walk up the stairs, getting more nervous for every second, clinging onto the bag from the store and the papers from school. Like they were the last thing that can save me from a horrible future. Now that I've realized that I like him I really want this to work out. I don't want him to hate me. But what if he do. I will just have to accept that. I can do this, alright.

I take the last step and knock on the door. I hear nothing from inside. What should I do. His mother sounded like it would be okey for me to just walk in. But will Hairo think it okey. You know what, I just have to go for it!

I pull down the door handle and open the door. It's not dark in there. It's a pretty big room. Bigger then mine at least. The walls are plastered with posters and there is a punching bag in one of the corners, a pretty big bookcase and a big rug on the hardwood floor. It's kinda like I expected it to look but not as extreme as I thought it would be. With Hairo being a pretty extreme person I thought his room would better reflect it. There is a bed in one of the corners, and there he is. He's laying on his back, and when I look at his face his eyes meet mine. He's awake.

We just stare at each other, I can't look away but it seems he can't either. It feels like years pass by in the short seconds our eyes hold each others.

"Y/n?" He says, he's voice a meer whisper. I release my breath, I didn't even know that I was holding it.

It feels like an electric currency goes through my back. Making me shiver.

I take a deep breath, it's now or never.

"Hairo, I'm sorry!" It comes out much louder than I expected. I feel my face getting warm. I hope he can't see how flustered my face is.

"What?" He asks, now sitting up, throwing his feet over the ledge. He's wearing a grey t-shirt and a pair of black shorts. For being sick, he looks really good.

"I am sorry for hurting your feelings and being mean to you again." I walk towards him, now standing with less than a meter between us looking up at him. He has to know how sorry I am. I know I'm sorry mostly for selfish reasons, but I can't take him hating me!

"Oh, no it's fine, I had forgoten all about that." He says shaking his hand in front of him, sounding like he's apologizeing to me. He's not meeting me with his eyes, I hear that he doesn't mean what he say. Before I know it I grab onto his hand.

"No it's not fine, I know that, please don't say it's fine!" I have to prove him. Prove him I'm not realy like that, that im not really so mean and that I didn't want to hurt him.

His eyes are wide open now, meeting mine, we're so close. I see that he's sick now. He's red under his eyes and looks kinda pale and greenish.

"Hey you should sit down you don't look so good." I make him sit back down squatting in front of him. Still holding onto his hand. I stand up again. Going to grab my bag.

"Hey y/n, why would you even care if you hurt me?" He sounds sincere, and sad. I feel my heart shatter at his words. I knew I hurt him but I didn't think he would say it like that.

I turn around with a small fruit in hand, going back and sitting down on the floor next to his bed. I start peeling the fruit, taking my time looking down at my hand doing so.

"Well to start of, it's because I care for you. I don't want to hurt you but I do so either way. Not really even getting what I'm doing in the moment. Then I'm a selfish person and don't want you to hate me because it makes me sad. And I'm truly a coward. And more then that I don't know if I can explain, but I really care for you, even if we have only known each other for some months I still fell deeply for you. And that's probably why." I didn't mean to say that much. Now he'll get that I like him and turn me down immediately. But that's probably for the better. So I can get over him.

"Well I'm glad to hear that, I care for you to, but I thought you hated me. Thank you for being here today. I think I'll go back to sleep now so I can concer this sickness and get back to you at school. Goodnight." I feel my heart jumping in my chest. It feels like it will jump out. Did i hear that right. He cares for me, he really said that.

I turn around to look at him, he really is handsome. He lays there with his hair in his face, it looks good all down like that. He doesn't look as pale anymore. That's good. I reach out and place my hand on his forehead. It's a bit warm so I stand up to get something to place on it to cool it down.

"Y/n, please don't go! I don't want you to go..." He says desperately holding onto my hand. I turn around, he fell asleep again and will probably not remember this, but I'm all flustered so I sit back down brushing some of the hair out of his face.

I'm happy that he still doesn't hate me.

"Thank you." I whisper to him.

Wow I truly am in love with him. But who isn't, he is just simply perfect. Oh well I don't remember if you ever meet hairos family in the anime but this is kinda how I want his mother to be so that's how it turned out. Thank you for reading this chapter and I will see you soon! <33

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