Chap 12 || Schooltrip (part 3)

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"Okey lets do this!" I tell myself in the mirror, prepping for the beach day, I'm standing in my swimsuit just looking at it, it's really cute and suits me well.

"Hey y/n you coming with us to the beach. We're leaving!" Yumehara yells at me, I exit the bathroom after putting on some clothes on top. Just a pair of shorts and a t-shirt with some print.

"Everyone ready? Then let's go!" She yells and storms out the door.

We arrive at the beach where the guys already are.

"Kusuo hi!" I say to catch there guys attentions, of course Kusuo already knew I was there but he just don't want to talk to me. No special reason why, he's just him.

"Oh hi girls!" Nendo responds in his ordinarily cheerful tone.

"We're going to get changed so find a place to sit alright?" I say over my shoulder heading towards the changing room.

Me and the girls go over to the changing room and get our bathing wear on. Well not me since I'm already wearing it but you get point. And just as we're about to head out Yumehara stops.

"Hey you guys go out, I gotta fix a thing first." She says going back in. Teruhachi and Mera goes out but I'm staying, I've realized it's not that fun not being waited for, and I do want to be good friends with Yumehara.

So I sit down on a bench inside.

Outside I hear a massive Woah, like from a big crowd.

Oh wait it's probably Teruhashi, with her in a bathing suit that must mean the world awes her even more.

I go in to check on Yumehara. She's standing there with her head in her hands looking like she's thinking very hard about something.

"Hey Yumehara are you alright." I ask, I wonder what she's thing about, maybe a crush. Oooh.




God damn I forgot about that, how could I forget, I probably forced it out if my mind so I could sleep last night and then forgot about all about it.

It all comes flooding back and the memories from last night fill me.

I'm so stupid, why did I leave, it would have been mush better to either drag Hairo with me or just wait for him to finish his conversation with that guy. What was his name. Like Toritsuka I think. Yeah that's probably right.

Okey now I'm nervous, since I go out after Teruhashi Hairo won't notice me. Wait I'm fucking beautiful, he's gotta notice me. Totally!

"Come on Yumehara let's go and swim!" I say taking her hand.

I basically have to drag her out of the locker room. But now there's no turning back, the crowd goes away when Teruhashi goes to greet us.

"Come on let's go swim. Where's Mera by the way?" Just then I hear a big splash from the water and there's Mera alright.

I run into the water, it's a bit chilly in difference to the beeming sun. But it's nice and cooling. Just what I needed. I slowly go into the water getting used to it before diving head first in.

This is just what I needed. The other girls are nowhere to be seen when I go up to the surface so I figure they're still up on the beach.

How boring are they. Oh well, I go up on the beach again looking for them diging my feet into the hot sand. And there he is, Hairo.

I feel butterflys form is my stomach as I slowly approach him. He hasn't noticed me yet.

Alright let's do this.

"Hairo!" I yell to him to get him to notice me, running up to him but at the last second just as I'm about to stop my foot hits a rock and instead of stopping I fall forwards.

Seriously again.

Hairo catches me by the waist as I hit my head in his shoulder. He's really warm, he feels like this day feels. That's nice.

"Oh I'm sorry." I say quickly standing up and taking a step back.

Nowadays I don't know if it's the universe speaking to me or just me being a moron. Maybe a bit of both?

"Y/n." Hairo says, that's all he says and then we are just standing there.

I feel my cheeks getting hot, probably not noticeable, hopefully. And when I look up at Hairo I see that he got a small blush. I look down to hide the fact that I want to scream out of happiness.

"You're really pretty." He says in a low voice barely loud enoughto hear it.

Did I hear that right, did Hairo call me pretty. I'm sure it was him, he didn't say it especially loud but I did hear him.

I look up again and decides to do something, we can't just stand here so I grab his hand. And start draging him to the water.

"Wait y/n where are we going!" He says sounding all flustered, adorable.

"Were going swimming, what else would we do at a beach!" I feel a new kind of confidence now I feel like I can do anything, this is great!

Me and Hairo swim and play in the water, splashing it on each other and stuff like that. I'm having a really good time but it gets really warm even being in the water and I get kinda hungry.

"Hey Hairo, I'm gonna go get something to eat like ice cream you want something?" I say to him walking towards the shore.

"Just a water thanks. Sure I shouldn't go with you?" He says.

"Yeah it will be fine, back in ten." I walk towards the ice cream stand when I see Teruhashi and some guys a bit away. It seems like they are being really persistent about something. So I decide to head over.

One of the guys grab her arm so I start running there but just when I'm about to hit the guys arm away Kaido rushes in and stands between Teruhashi and the guy. That's adorable but I know kaido and even if he thinks he got powers he really don't and is gonna get crushed. But I want to give him a chance to seem heroic so I stand to the side waiting.

Kaido yells at the guys bet his voice go down to a mumble about how we are on a schooltrip and something when one of the guys starts yelling at him. Poor Kaido, I think I have to do something.

But just as I'm about to say something again Yumehara gets in between.

"I'm sorry but we are on a schooltrip. Stop fighting with us or I'll get a teacher." She says.

"Hey who do you think you are!" They say to her.

Who the fuck do they think they are those worthless pieces of trash.

"Or are you jealous noone flirts with you." One of the guys says with a smirk, and just then a flying fist comes and hit the guy on his cheek, the hand belonging to Kaido!

Kaido starts screaming at the guys and I don't think I'm needed here anymore so I start going to the ice cream stand again. It seems Kaido got the situation under control.

"Wait that didn't hurt at all?" I hear the guy who got hit say, shit forgot Kaido can't hurt anything with his muscle strength, even if he wanted to kill a bug he couldn't.

'Kusuo do something.' I think to my brother, since he's standing like two steps away he probably noticed.

'don't worry y/n I got it under control.' He responds.

Alright if Kusuos got it I can go get the ice cream. I leave to go buy it, Hairos probably wondering where I am either way. I've been gone for quite a while now so gotta hurry to not worry him.

Sorry that I haven't updated in a while just lost the energy and its a lot in school now before Christmas. I'll try updating more often but probably not once a week the coming weeks

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