Sick- Fluff🌸

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Shuichi's POV

I woke up like any normal day and expected to see a bunch of messages from Kokichi, but to my surprise, there weren't any at all. 'Weird' I thought, as I got up and got ready for the day. After getting dressed and eating, I checked my phone again, but I still hadn't received a message from my short boyfriend. 'Something could be wrong' I thought as I texted him instead.

S: Goodmorning baby. You ok?❤️

After ten minutes I got a response.

K:Goodmorning Shumai<3

I smiled, knowing he was alive. All of the sudden my phone started ringing, Kokichi's ringtone playing. I picked up the phone, greeting him. "Hey Ko" "Hi Shu Shu" He whispered. "What's wrong? Why are you whispering?" I asked, confusion obviously displaying in my voice. "I don't feel so well" "What do you mean?" I asked, grabbing my wallet and going over to the door to put my shoes on. "My nose is stuffy, and my head is hot." He whined. "Stay in bed ok? I'll be over in like 30 minutes" "You could get sick Shuichi" He said, sighing. "I don't get sick" I said, smiling on my end of the phone. "Fine, fine. I'll be in bed. I'm gonna go play a game with Kiibo until you get here" "OK love you, be there soon" I said, "Love you too"

I locked my door behind me, and headed to the store. It wasn't a far walk, only 15 minutes from my house, and then 10 from Kokichi's. Once I got into the store, I grabbed some snacks and panta, seeing as Kokichi is always happier when eating something sugary, but I also picked up some other things to make for him. After buying it all, I went on my way to his house.

I unlocked the door and let myself in, locking it once again. "Shu, Is that you?" Kokichi called from his room. "Yes Ko" I said back, putting the bag down on the counter. I went up the stairs and into his room, seeing him curled into a bunch of blankets. "I thought you said you were hot" I said, laughing a bit. He pouted, "I was, then I felt cold" I walked over and sat on the edge of his bed. Gently, I placed my hand on his head. "Yeah, you definitely feel warm." I said, running my hand through his slightly damp hair. "I'm hungry" He whined, causing me to let out a little laugh again. "Do you wanna stay here, or lay on the couch while I cook?" "Couch," He said, sitting up. I stood up and carefully lifted him up into my arms.

"Pass me that blanket" He said, laying his head against a pillow on the couch. I handed it to him, along with the tv remote. "I'll be back when the foods done, ok?" He nodded and smiled, before turning the tv on. I went into the kitchen and began trying to decide what to make. I came to the decision to make grilled cheese, an actual food that he enjoyed. Once I had finished cooking them all, I grabbed a bottle of panta and a bottle of water for myself, and brought everything into the living room. "Thank you Shuuuumaaaaiiiiii" He sung, before chomping down into a sandwich."You're welcome" I said, leaning over and kissing his forehead. His face turned pink, and he turned away from me. I giggled a bit, and then continued eating my own food.

"That was great!" He chimed. "Mhm" I answered. I brought the dishes into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of medicine and a little cup. "Kokichi" I said. He raised an eyebrow before noticing that I was holding the medicine. "Ew no, absolutely not" He said, putting his hands over his mouth. I sighed, knowing that this was going to happen. "Come on, it's not that bad" I said. "Then you drink it for me" He said, sticking his tongue out. "I have an idea," I said. His eyebrow went up again as I poured the correct amount of medication into the cup. "Close your eyes," I said. At first he was cautious, but then he did as he was told and closed his eyes. I poured the medicine into my mouth and pushed my lips against his.

"Mph" He said, trying to pull away. "S-shuchiiiiiii, I don't want i-" He went to say, but I slipped my tongue into his mouth. Once he had most of it in his mouth, I pulled away, wiping the corner of my mouth. His face was flushed bright pink and he still looked surprised. "That was rude" He said, pouting, after swallowing the liquid. I smiled and pulled him against my chest. "You had to take it one way or another." I said, shrugging my shoulders. I laid us back on the couch, and turned the tv back on. "Get some sleep, ok?" I said, running my fingers through his hair. "Yeah, yeah" He whispered, wrapping his arms around me. I leaned down and kissed his forehead before closing my eyes.

Hehe, hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to leave a request in the comments if you have one! I'm always taking requests, and will write all of them.✨✨✨

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