𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠

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THREE " 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒏 "━━━━━━ ✗ ━━━━━━━

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" 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒏 "
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TALIA SLOWLY HUNG HER keys on the key holder that was right next to the front door of her parents home. She had just arrived back to Shadyside from Sunnyvale, that half an hour drive feeling like a forever one. The sun was slowly starting to come out, but it wasn't close to being time for Parker to be up yet and Talia wasn't going to wake her unless she wanted to be met with a moody teenage girl. She didn't know what to do. The news about Heather still sat on her mind heavily and her heart just started to get heavier and heavier. She was having chest pains and felt as if she couldn't breathe properly. Talia slowly made her way to her sisters bedroom. Hoping that she would feel slightly better when she would see her sleeping peacefully. Which she did.

She slowly opened the door to Parkers room, the door making a lot of noise while she did so, but she wasn't worried about it. Parker was a deep sleeper and simply nothing could wake her from her beauty sleep. Talia smiled at the sight of her. She was wrapped in a blue blanket that Talia had gifted her— but she lied and said that their mother got it for her or else she wouldn't have accepted it. Parker didn't necessarily like Talia. Talia didn't quite exactly know why but she just assumed because Parker's mother married Talia's father.

After Talia's parents separation, her father found love in another woman who already had a child of her own. Talia never disliked the fact that her father found love again, she just wanted him happy and Parker's mother made him happy. Growing up Talia took care of her sister no matter what, made sure she was always okay and had everything she needed, Talia loved her but Parker on the other hand hated her.

To this day, Talia still didn't know why. Even with that hate, she never mistreated Parker, always remained the sweet and loving older sister. Even if Parker went to far and didn't deserve it, Talia was still there.

Talia weakly smiled at the sight of Parker before closing the door and heading to her own bedroom. She had some time before getting breakfast ready for Parker and she needed to make herself feel better fast. She knew that she wanted to cry her eyes out but it simply wasn't coming out. But she knew something that would helped with that.

Once she approached her bedroom she quickly shut the door and locked it. Then she turned towards her bed and quickly got onto her knees. She took a very deep breath before going underneath her bed and pulling out a small wooden box. The box had colored gem stones glued onto it and it was painted multiple colors like green, red, purple, and blue. It had looked like a child made it. And then it also had Talia's name on it, the letters were foam letters that were glued on just like the gems. Talia smiled slightly as she carefully touched it, before opening the lock and lifting the lid.

Inside of the box sat some old polaroids. The first one, was a polaroid of her and an old friend of hers. The two girls were hugging and smiling widely and tears began to fall from her eyes just by looking at it. She sat that polaroid down and grabbed the next ones. Two polaroids in particular, in one she was hugging a little boy and the other she was hugging a little girl and in the last one that sat in the box, she was hugging both the boy and the girl. She admired the kids smiles in the photos and tried to smile at the sight, but in the next few seconds, she broke down.

Her hands began to slight shake and tears were now falling from her eyes, one after another. She dropped the polaroids and quickly brought her hands up to cover her mouth, to cry as silently as she could to avoid her sister hearing. She sobbed at the thought of how scared Heather must have been, the fact that she lost once again another child who looked up to her. "I'm so sorry.." She whispered to herself as she looked at the polaroids that sat on the floor. 

Heather's death only brought back memories and past emotions that she managed to lock up, it took time but she managed to accomplish that. With the help of Nick and her parents. But the mall news only brought back fear and sadness, but mostly guilt. She lost a student, just like she lost multiple campers she promised to look after a couple years back. She just wishes she could have done more, but thats all she could do. Wish. Talia slowly laid on her bedroom floor, letting the tears fall, waiting for her little vent to finish, so she could proceed with her day like if everything was okay.

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ONE OF THE many things about Talia that absolutely annoyed Parker, was that she couldn't seem to get rid of her. She was engaged yet still was always around home instead of her soon to be new on in Sunnyvale and worst of all to her, Talia was her english teacher. Parker had prayed a large amount of times, hoping she wouldn't get stuck with Talia as her teacher, but in the end she did. Parker always assumed that the raven haired girl pulled some strings with the guidance counselor at school, but Talia always told her the truth. That it was all the school, not her.

To Parker, Talia was a ruining her life in many ways. But to Talia, she was just trying to keep her sister on the right path, to take care of her, to protect her. There were so many things that Parker didn't know about her older sister and truthfully Talia could probably tell her everything and it could change Parker's opinion about her, but Talia thought it was better if Parker was kept in the dark. Talia didn't want to put all that mess on her sister, it was her trauma and hers alone. Plus, she already had someone who she shared it with. But keeping Parker in the dark meant having to deal with Parker's hateful and snarky comments, but she grew used to it by now.

And now, Talia was carefully packing food into some small tupperware, getting it ready for one of her students, because she always had a gut feeling that he was skipping out on meals.

"Double lunch? Is that your way of tell us that you're eating for two?" Parker commented as she walked into the kitchen and noticed what Talia was doing. Talia shook her head no and then pointed to a plate of breakfast that sat on the counter, waiting to be eaten by Parker.

"That's good, because who knows what type of mother you would be" Parker adds sarcastically before grabbing a piece of bacon from the plate Talia made for her and biting it. Talia decided to ignore both of her comments as she proceeded to put the lids on the two tupperwares she was taking to school with her. "Eat up Parker, so that we can leave" Talia spoke before grabbing the items and leaving the kitchen. Parker watched her walk away, confused that she didn't say anything else. Not really that she cared too much for it, but she could have sworn that Talia's eyes looked puffy and deep down, that made her just a tad bit curious. But she decided to ignore  it and continued to eat her breakfast quickly, so she could soon meet with her friends at school or more like with a certain someone.

small filler chapter ?¿ sorry its ass :(
im slowly getting closer to where the movie starts off, i'm ready but not ready

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