Chapter 9

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"Okay, since guys didn't come to the party with Dorothy and I, you have to come to my party."

It was now the middle of November, Sam had gone home after making Dean and Cas promise to visit for Christmas and Charlie had broken into Dean's apartment... Again.

"Charlie, you know that I don't really do parties," Dean gave an apologetic smile.

"What? Why not?" Cas asked, surprised.

"I'm just not a fan," he shrugged. Charlie rolled her eyes.

"He's just making up excuses, I expect to see both of you there!" She emphasized pointing at both of them.

"Alright, peace out bitches!" She climbed off the couch and left.

"You know, we do kinda owe her," Cas stated.

"Yeah, I know," Dean sighed, running a hand through his hair as he collapsed onto the couch. Cas sat down across from him and examined him for a while.

"Dean?" Cas asked softly, looking at him admirably.

"Yeah, Cas?"

"Your eyes are beautiful when the sun hits them like that," he said letting out a small sigh.

Dean laughed, "Thanks Cas."

They were quiet for a while after that, Cas reading the newspaper and Dean reading the comics.

"Hey Cas?"

"Yes, Dean?"

"You're really weird sometimes."

Cas smiled and put his newspaper down on the coffee table. He walked over to Dean and pushed him back against the couch, he straddled Dean's legs and sat on him.

"I know," he gently pressed his lips against Dean's, kissing him softly. Dean placed his hands gently on Cas' hips, holding him steady but also lightly pulling him closer. Deepening the kiss, Cas started grinding against Dean. Fumbling with the buckle on Cas' belt, Dean tried to get the pants off him.

It was at that moment that Charlie decided to barge through the door.

"I forgot my jack- oh shit sorry guys," she laughed covering her eyes when she noticed the positions Dean and Cas were in. Cas quickly hopped off of Dean and awkwardly did up his pants, his face heating up as he glared at Charlie.

"Sorry! Sorry, leaving!" She exclaimed as she grabbed her jacket and ran out the door. Cas promptly locked it behind her and turned back to Dean.

"Wanna try again?" Dean asked grinning hopefully.

"Sorry, but Charlie kinda killed it for me."

"Alright," Dean nodded, obviously disappointed. They sat in silence again but this time Cas stayed curled up against Dean.

Dean glanced down at Cas who was slowly drifting asleep on his chest. Taking in all of Cas, thinking about when they first met and how fucking terrified he was to sit beside him at that bar. He smiled remembering how he had paced outside of the bar for 10 minutes trying to get the balls to just go in. Now here he was with Cas sleeping on him in his apartment at his own free will.

"You're really tired, eh?" Dean asked, putting his arm around Cas.

"Mhm," Cas nodded, "I worked late last night."

"Cas, you work late almost every night, you do know that you need sleep to function right?"

"What do you think I'm trying to do?"

Dean sighed, "That's not what I meant and you know it."

"Dean, I just can't afford to work any less shifts right now, I need money for the rent and food and just essential living items."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2015 ⏰

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