Chapter Seven

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Cas didn't hear what Dean had said the night before as he left and Dean barely remembered saying them because of how tired he had been. Barely remembered. He couldn't recall if he had actually said them or if it had just been a dream but he eventually decided to just leave it alone.

Dean felt his back crack as he sat up and cringed. His whole body ached as he stretched each limb.

"I feel like an old man," he sighed to himself, reaching a hand to the back of his neck and rubbing it in an attempt to soothe the pain; Cas was right about sleeping on the couch. Dean picked up his phone off the coffee table, one text from Cas last night.

'Get off the couch and go to bed'

Dean laughed and decided to call him. The phone rang for a bit before Cas picked up.

"Hey, what's up?"

"I just wanted to say good morning," Dean yawned and Cas laughed.

"It's 10:15 that's hardly morning."

"Huh, so it is," he glanced at his watch, "Anyways, what are you doing?"

"I'm headed to a class," he responded.

Dean got up off the couch and groaned as his back cracked again.

"You slept on the couch didn't you," Cas said, hardly surprised.

"Maybe... Accidentally."

"I knew you would, I'm at class now. I'll talk to you later okay?"

"Alright, bye," Dean smiled.

"Bye Dean," Cas hung up leaving Dean grinning like an idiot. He loved the sound of Castiel's voice and the gruffness of it. It drove him crazy when Cas said his name. His phone rang again, pulling him out of his trance, he grabbed it hopeful that it was Cas again.


"Hey Dean."

"Oh, hey Sammy. What are you bugging me about this time?" He joked.

"I was wondering if I could come visit you this weekend."

He could hear a twinge of fear in Sam's voice and he immediately became serious.

"Of course you can I'll drive down and pick you up... Is dad drinking again?"

"Yeah... It's been getting bad, mom told me to call you from school so he wouldn't hear."

"Pack up your stuff I'm coming to get you."

"But Dean, it's Thursday."

"I know but you can miss one day of school can't you? I'll be at the house by the time schools done."

"Okay, oh and don't worry about mom she said she's going to visit her cousin anyways."


"Gotta get to class now."

"Later," Dean hung up and walked over to his bedroom. He stood in the door for a while until he banged the side of his fist against the wall.

"Damn it" he seethed. He quickly got changed and went to his car. He stopped to get gas and left for Kansas.

If his father had hurt anyone again he was going to personally kill him. Dean turned up the volume on the radio as loud as he could stand, trying to block out the thought of John Winchester drunk. He really hoped that Sammy and his mom were okay.

Two hours into the drive Cas called. He quickly looked around for cops, turned off the radio and picked up his phone.

"Hey, you wanna come over later? I have a surprise for you" Cas growled, hinting towards Dean. He groaned.

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