Chapter Three

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Dean had been thinking about Castiel all day, he had even followed him to the drugstore just so he could see those beautiful blue eyes. 'You know who stalks people Dean? Stalkers' he cursed, mentally smacking himself.

When he had got back to his house Dean had looked out the window waiting for Castiel to come back sincerely hoping that he had not opened that box of condoms.

As soon as he had seen Castiel in the parking lot he called him. The phone rang once and he watched as Cas had shuffled through all his stuff finally retrieving the cell. On the third ring Castiel picked up.

"Hello Dean," came Castiel's deep, sexy voice through the speaker. It sent shivers down Dean's spine.

"Hey" He replied trying to sound not too enthusiastic."I see you."

"What?" Dean laughed as he saw Castiel's flustered face looking in all directions. He stepped out onto his balcony and waved down at him.

"Look up"

"Oh, hey," Castiel was waving back at him, smiling.

"Do you want to come up?"

"...Uh...Sure, what's your room number?"

"1705," Dean answered and then hung up. Cas looked up at him, flipped him off and walked inside the building. Dean took a moment to look around and realized just how messy his apartment was.

"Fuck" He said under his breath. There were clothes strewn about, pizza boxes and other various take out food wrappers on the floor as well as dirty dishes all over the place. As fast as humanly possible, Dean started cleaning up. Throwing all of the clothes in a laundry basket that got shoved into the closet to hide, gathering all of the dishes and rushing them to the kitchen, lastly picking up all of the garbage and tossing it into the trash can. The apartment looked significantly better by the time he heard a knock on the door. Dean rushed to answer it, composing himself before he swung open the door, revealing a slightly sweaty, out of breath Castiel Novak.

"Hey, sorry I took so long, the elevator was out of order so I had to take the stairs," which explained why he took an abnormally long amount of time to get up here and why he was completely out of breath. Walking up 17 flights of stairs is not an easy job.

"No it's cool, come in" Dean opened the door wider to let Castiel through. He chewed at his lip nervously as he watched Castiel take in the room, letting out a deep breath when Cas nodded his head in approval.

"Nice place."

"Thanks," Dean chuckled, closing the door gently behind Cas and moving further into the apartment, he took a deep breath before continuing. "I don't know about you but I'm starving."

"Yeah, I suppose I am," Castiel responded, noticing that it was a few hours passed lunch already.

"Sweet, we can order some pizza if you want."

Cas nodded in agreement.

Dean watched as Castiel took a seat on the couch in front of the TV then punched in the number and ordered a medium pepperoni pizza. He walked towards Cas and flopped down beside him taking up over half of the couch, earning him a frown which Dean returned with a goofy grin.

"Why did you invite me over?" Castiel inquired, staring at Dean with his piercing blue eyes. Dean looked away sheepishly for a moment trying to think of an excuse. He honestly just wanted to be around him.

"Because I could," he shrugged nonchalantly. Castiel didn't question him further but it was obvious that he was still curious.

Dean pushed himself up from the couch stretching his arms and legs then headed to the kitchen; removing himself from the slightly awkward situation.

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